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The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

Conference updates Wardens on Modernisation progress

  • Date: 23 July 2021

Over 400 Wātene Māori from around the motu gathered in Te Papaioea (Palmerston North) at the end of May for the 2021 National Māori Wardens Conference.

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Ngāti Toa Cadets are helping to empower their iwi

  • Date: 04 July 2021

Ngāti Toa Rangatira have partnered with Te Puni Kōkiri to deliver a successful Cadetships programme for 38 cadets that focuses on developing the iwi and the skills of its people. 

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Next steps for Declaration plan on indigenous rights

  • Date: 01 July 2021

Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson has today announced the next steps in developing a national plan to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (the Declaration).

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United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Next Steps for a Declaration Plan

  • Published: 30 June 2021

This document sought Cabinet’s agreement for the Ministry of Māori Development to a two-step engagement process to further progress the development of a national plan to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (the Declaration) .

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Re-shaping the future of Māori housing

  • Date: 24 June 2021

Māori housing received a major boost in this year's Budget. The Whai Kāinga Whai Oranga $380 million investment allows iwi and Government to expand existing programmes and look at new models for delivering Māori housing.

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Te ao Māori gardening book for communities launched ahead of Matariki

  • Date: 10 June 2021

As part of community resilience building, Te Puni Kōkiri has supported the publication of a book for whānau Māori about growing food by Dr Nick Roskruge.

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National Strategy Engagement: Eliminating family violence and sexual violence

  • Date: 09 June 2021

Te Puni Kōkiri is one of 10 Government agencies working with tangata whenua and communities to create a new national strategy and action plans to eliminate family violence and sexual violence in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Working their way to the top with Cadetships

  • Date: 01 June 2021

In a smoko room in Hawkes Bay hang a series of framed staff achievements. Plenty more certificates have been proudly added to the walls of this Māori owned contracting firm in the past year, due to the Te Puni Kōkiri Cadetships programme.

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Jessica Smith appointed Regional Director Te Tai Hauāuru

  • Date: 27 May 2021

Jessica Smith was appointed the Regional Director of Te Tai Hauāuru in 2021, having been Acting Regional Director since October 2020.

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Significant boost for Māori Housing in Budget 2021

  • Date: 20 May 2021

Ensuring Māori have access to warm, dry homes is important for health, social and economic reasons, Associate Māori Housing Minister Peeni Henare said.

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KiwiRail’s leadership programme just the ticket for kaimahi Māori

  • Date: 14 May 2021

A Māori leadership course run by KiwiRail is just the ticket for both the company and its employees. It’s so successful that it has been fast tracked to become KiwiRail’s number one development programme.

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Shift to support both whānau and tāne in corrections system

  • Date: 12 May 2021

Rows of barbed wire and the cold clang of gates are a stark contrast to the warmth of the people and Māori art decorating the Te Ara Māori Unit office at Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison.

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Māori businesses identified through NZBN option

  • Date: 12 May 2021

More information about the Māori economy will result from businesses able to self-identify as Māori on the digital New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) register, according to Deputy Secretary Hamiora Bowkett.

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Be a doer! KARAWHIUA National campaign encourages Māori uptake of COVID-19 vaccine

  • Date: 08 May 2021

In a national COVID-19 vaccination campaign launched on Mother’s Day, Ruthie a young mother who contracted the virus while she was hapū encourages whānau to inform themselves about the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Kaiarataki navigators support whānau in Corrections system

  • Date: 27 April 2021

Building on the strengths of the whānau ora approach, a new kaiarataki navigator workforce, in partnership with Ngāti Kahungunu, will begin working with tāne at Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison and their whānau, to support them to live healthy positive lives.

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Te Hononga: Connecting NZ Post’s Māori leaders through Cadetships

  • Date: 21 April 2021

NZ Post is known for connecting people with what they care about. But it’s also connecting Māori staff with their full potential thanks to a partnership with Te Puni Kōkiri.  

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Young whānau writing their own narrative on home ownership

  • Date: 31 March 2021

As a young person today, Aaliyah Armstrong says you don’t have to listen too hard to hear a recurring narrative about the housing market.

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2020–2024 He Takunetanga Rautaki | Strategic Intentions

  • Published: 16 February 2021

This document sets out refreshed strategic priorities for Te Puni Kōkiri for the period 2020–2024. It outlines our role, purpose and vision, three strategic priorities and nine focus areas, including key performance measures for each area.

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Te taiao (nature) inspires young Ngāti Toa hearts and minds

  • Date: 30 March 2021

Porirua rangatahi are sitting in a class clapping each other’s achievements – one has passed their license, another’s in final year nursing, a 15-year-old’s returning to college and someone else is off to polytech.

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Working ‘on’ the business instead of ‘in’ it

  • Date: 16 March 2021

‘Making gains in the gym’ is the challenging goal set by the owners of a holistic health centre in Waikato. But the ‘new year, new you' goal isn’t just for clients, it is also for the business itself and staff. To grow into their future, the team joined up with Te Puni Kōkiri Cadetships.

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Whānau and community development through housing (Pt. 2)

  • Published: 09 March 2021

Summative evaluation report (October 2020)

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Government supports Bros for Change

  • Date: 04 March 2021

Dozens of rangatahi will build positive futures thanks to a major government contract awarded to the Bros for Change charitable trust, which is supported by Whānau Ora commissioning agency Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu.

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Iwi radio station grows homegrown media production

  • Date: 04 March 2021

The South Island’s only iwi radio station has had to adapt to new ways of telling stories online, on-air and on the ground. To support the upskilling of its kaimahi, Tahu FM has reached out to the Cadetships programme run by Te Puni Kōkiri.

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Turuki Whānau Ora provider leads vaccine roll out

  • Date: 26 February 2021

Staff at South Auckland Māori health provider Turuki Health Care were the first in Aotearoa to receive and administer a COVID-19 vaccine.

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Papakāinga hīkoi showcases whānau aspirations

  • Date: 25 February 2021

Streams of people filed off busses, into the heat and on to the whenua of the Kurupo-Kaukau whānau in Moteo, Heretaunga. It was the third stop on the papakāinga hīkoi that showcased local papakāinga developments Te Puni Kōkiri has supported since 2015, as a warm up to the National Māori Housing Conference 2021.

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