Kaupapa hou

The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

Successful visit to Chile concludes

  • Date: 27 Poutūterangi 2019

This was the Minister’s first official mission to Chile following an invitation to be the keynote speaker at an indigenous women’s workshop in Santiago, where she spoke about Māori economic and social development and the leadership role that wahine Māori have played in addressing indigenous rights and interests in Aotearoa.

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Whānau Development Summit 2019

  • Date: 22 Poutūterangi 2019

Te Puni Kōkiri will be hosting the Whānau Development Summit at Te Papa in Wellington on the 25th of March 2019.

The Whānau Development Summit is a forum that Te Puni Kōkiri has created to promote whānau development investment and whānau centred policy across the public and philanthropic sectors.  In this respect it is sponsored jointly by the Minister of Māori Development and the Minister of Whānau Ora.

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Feedback welcomed on final mandate strategy for remaining Waikato-Tainui claims

  • Date: 20 Poutūterangi 2019

The Te Whakakitenga o Waikato Negotiator released a final mandate strategy on 19 March 2019. Te Arawhiti are welcoming feedback now. 

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Virtual reality game developed to activate te reo Māori in sports

  • Date: 14 Poutūterangi 2019

Puni Reo Pāhekoheko is a Māori language virtual reality game aimed at encouraging the use of te reo Māori in sports.

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Maihi Karauna Strategy Summary of Public Consultation

  • Published: 13 Poutūterangi 2019

This report presents the results of the public consultation on the Maihi Karauna that occurred during August and September 2018. Over 2000 responses were received in English and Māori. These responses helped inform the finalisation of the strategy.

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The Crown’s Strategy for Māori Language Revitalisation 2019 - 2023

  • Published: 13 Poutūterangi 2019

This Maihi Karauna strategy sets out a bold vision for te reo Māori in the future, and sets out what actions the government will prioritise over the next five years to move towards this vision. This strategy will complement the Maihi Māori strategy which is being implemented by Te Mātāwai.

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Tikanga Māori at the heart of Te Tau Ihu fires response

  • Date: 07 Poutūterangi 2019

Māori Development Minister Nanaia Mahuta travelled to Nelson last Tuesday to meet with Te Tau Ihu iwi leaders, first responders, local council representatives and whānau involved in the Nelson/Tasman Fires.

“I’m blessed that the team in Te Puni Kōkiri and the regional footprint have deep relationships into our communities and it has long been a ministry that has moved to the aspirations of the people and we want more of that to happen," Minister Mahuta said.

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A Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Maihi Karauna

  • Published: 07 Poutūterangi 2019

This monitoring and evaluation framework was developed with support by Te Taura Whiri i Te Reo Māori. This monitoring component will allow us to track strategy implementation and progress towards achieving the goals, outcomes and priorities of the Maihi Karauna. The evaluation component will focus on if and how the Maihi Karauna is effective in achieving its objectives, and where improvements can be made.

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Kua pānuihia te ngākaunui o te Karauna ki te reo Māori

  • Date: 21 Huitanguru 2019

I tae atu a Minita Mahuta ki Te Matatini me te Pirimia a Jacinda Ardern ki te whakarewa i te rautaki reo Māori a te Karauna. Ka mahi ngātahi tēnei taha o Te Whare o te Reo Mauriora me tērā atu taha o te Maihi Māori ki te whakarauora i te reo rangatira kia rangona, kia kitea, kia kōrerohia i ngā tōpito katoa o te motu. 

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Providing a Māori perspective on wellbeing

  • Date: 12 Huitanguru 2019


Te 12 o Hui-tanguru 2019 | 12 February 2019

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Nelson Fire Information Page

  • Date: 11 Huitanguru 2019

If whānau are seeking more information or updates on the current Nelson Fire please use the links below or call the number provided.

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Waikato-Tainui remaining claims

  • Date: 05 Huitanguru 2019

The Te Whakakitenga o Waikato Negotiator released a draft mandate strategy on 1 February 2019.

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Investment to deliver better connected marae and communities in the regions

  • Date: 04 Huitanguru 2019

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced today that the Government will invest $21 million to ensure even more New Zealanders in the regions can access modern and reliable digital services in their community. 

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An Indigenous Approach to the Living Standards Framework

  • Published: 01 Huitanguru 2019

This discussion paper provides a Māori perspective on the Living Standards Framework that has been developed by the Treasury to measure wellbeing. It draws on Māori values and principles to provide a different perspective on wellbeing.

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Microfinance Research Summary

  • Published: 31 Kohitātea 2019

This Microfinance report provides better insights into the needs of whānau, and details a number of different initiatives that could be considered in the future to address these needs.

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Waka ama programme promoting wellbeing for Tairāwhiti rangatahi and whānau

  • Date: 29 Kohitātea 2019

The six-week wellbeing programme provided 18 waka ama teams and their supporting whānau with nutrition, training, and wānanga activities that promoted healthy living, eco-living and cultural connectedness.

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Ngā Hua o te Tau – Key activities and achievements for the year ended 30 June 2018

  • Published: 09 Kohitātea 2019

The annual report is a key accountability document which all New Zealand Government departments are required to produce. The ‘Ngā Hua o te Tau’ documents provide a snapshot of key Te Puni Kōkiri achievements for the last financial year, which were outlined in our annual report. The summary booklet has a regional focus and includes information about regional; activity, spend and case studies.

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He whakarāpopoto o ngā tūmahi ā-rohe, Ngā Hua o te Tau – Annual Report summaries 2018/19

  • Published: 17 Kohitātea 2020

These two publications provide summaries of the Te Puni Kōkiri annual reports for 2018/19, which are published to meet the requirements of the Public Finance Act 1989.

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Pae Aronui: A new initiative that supports rangatahi to thrive

  • Date: 20 Hakihea 2018

“We are seeking innovative approaches to enhance learning and earning outcomes for rangatahi Māori aged 15-24 through a new initiative, Pae Aronui,” Te Puni Kōkiri spokesperson Nicky Birch announced today.

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Seeking candidates for the Building Practitioners Board

  • Date: 17 Hakihea 2018

On behalf of the Minister for Building and Construction, the Ministry is seeking candidates who wish to be considered for appointment as a member of the Building Practitioners Board. Click the link below to learn more about the vacancy available.

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Section 8I Report – More meaningful and transparent says Minister

  • Date: 12 Hakihea 2018

The Section 8I Report is the first opportunity to track the progress our Government is making against the Waitangi Tribunal’s recommendations, Māori Development Minister Hon Nanaia Mahuta said today. 

The Māori Development Minister is required annually to table this report in Parliament. This year it will take on a new format.

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Cabinet Paper – Maihi Karauna Final Strategy and Implementation Approach

  • Published: 22 Huitanguru 2019

These documents sought Cabinet's agreement to amend and finalise the Maihi Karauna, which is the Crown's strategy for Māori language revitalisation for 2018-2023.

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Marking another step forward in Parihaka reconciliation

  • Date: 06 Hakihea 2018

Te Puni Kōkiri looks forward to supporting the Parihaka Papakāinga Trust to achieving its vision of rebuilding the mana and legacy of Parihaka.

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Supporting Māori into home ownership

  • Date: 05 Hakihea 2018


Around 30 whānau in the Manawatū region are a step closer to owning their own home,” says Te Puni Kōkiri Chief Executive Michelle Hippolite.


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Literature Review: Perceptions of the Health of the Māori Language 2015

  • Published: 23 Whiringa ā-rangi 2018

The purpose of this literature review is to provide an in-depth analysis of the health of the Māori language.

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