Kaupapa hou

The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

Breathing new life into old whānau homes in South Auckland

  • Date: 05 Pipiri 2019

Lifting living standards for whānau sets a platform for better intergenerational wellbeing. We feature two whānau in South Auckland.

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$80 million to expand the Whānau Ora approach

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

This initiative aims to increase support for whānau to achieve their aspirations and lift overall wellbeing. This will be done through funding the expansion of the Whānau Ora commissioning for outcomes approach to reach more whānau. It will include an increase in the navigator workforce, targeted tamariki support, and support to build financial capability.

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Exploring how a whānau-centred approach can improve Māori and Pasifika wellbeing

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

This initiative will enable exploration into how a whānau-centred approach can be used to raise health and wellbeing outcomes for Māori and Pasifika, including how to reduce avoidable hospitalisation rates, and to develop an investment proposal to test such an approach.

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Growing Māori leaders in the ICT sector

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

ICT is integrated in all sectors and rapidly advancing. Statistics show that Māori fall behind other New Zealanders when it comes to access, usage, employment and education in the ICT sector. With Māori making up less than six percent of those working in the sector, ICT still remains an unopened door of opportunities for Māori.

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$12 million over four years for whānau- led development of marae

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

As part of the Government’s approach to whānau-led development of marae, $12 million over four years has been set aside in Budget 19. This funding will expand the existing Oranga Marae programme for marae development planning and implementation. There will also be additional support for individual marae to be prepared for disaster and other emergency responses.

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Ngāti Hikairo whānau open new wharekai at Waipapa Marae

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

Ngāti Hikairo in Kawhia have traversed a long journey to complete the build of their new wharekai and kāuta at Waipapa Marae. The new wharekai will provide the space to feed the people that visit their marae each year.

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Cadets champion hāngi as New Zealand’s national food

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

Four Māori cadets have been given the wero (challenge) to prove authentic Māori hāngi as New Zealand’s national food.

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Sorted Kāinga Ora: Empowering whānau to realise their housing aspirations

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

Laurae Blake and her whānau have changed the way they think about money since completing the Sorted Kāinga Ora programme. The solo mother of two daughters, aged seven and 13, has spent eight weeks gaining tools to help realise her housing aspirations.

 To view the video on Sorted Kāinga Ora click here.

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Māori housing to receive $40 million more

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

Māori housing will receive a further $40 million over four years from Budget 2019 to allow more whānau access to healthy, affordable, secure homes. Whānau wellbeing is at the heart of this year’s Budget announcements for Māori.

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Te Piringa Papakāinga the journey home

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

A beautiful new Papakāinga in the rural Māori community of Waiohiki, located 10km south of Napier is an excellent example of whānau wellbeing.

Te Puni Kōkiri supported a whānau-centred approach by recognising the needs, strengths and diverse aspirations of this whānau to be self-determining in their desire to live in a healthy home, develop their whenua and live as a community according to kaupapa Māori.


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Investing in the continued revitalisation of te reo Māori

  • Date: 30 Haratua 2019

$33.84 million over four years has been secured in Budget 2019 for the continued revitalisation of te reo Māori.

This funding will support the aspirations of Te Whare o Te Reo Mauriora, a partnership model developed as part of Te Ture mō Te Reo Māori 2016. This whare acknowledges that both Crown and Māori have a part to play in revitalising te reo Māori - sustainable change can only be achieved in partnership with iwi and communities. 

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Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust Mandate Vote

  • Date: 29 Haratua 2019

The Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust is seeking a mandate to represent Mōkai Pātea in Treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown and invites the Mōkai Pātea claimant community to attend mandate voting hui throughout the country. 

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Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Ratification Of Post-Settlement Governance Entity

  • Date: 28 Haratua 2019

Te Mana o Ngāti Rangitihi Trust seeks the agreement of its members to accept the proposed Post-Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE) to receive the Ngāti Rangitihi Settlement Redress once the Settlement is enacted.

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Helping to build a brighter future

  • Date: 24 Haratua 2019

Kat grew up in Auckland living the life portrayed in the movie Once Were Warriors. She experienced things children shouldn’t and these experiences have left a dark mark. She has seven children from two relationships but only two live with her. She is working with agencies including Tāmaki ki Te Tonga District Māori Wardens to build a brighter future.

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Induction of New Māori Wardens for Te Aroha

  • Date: 19 Haratua 2019

A group of locals willing to support this vision met at the Te Aroha RSA to start the process of being inducted as Māori Wardens.

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Kua pānuihia ngā kaupapa reo Māori mā ngā rangatahi i tēnei rangi

  • Date: 16 Haratua 2019

I tēnei rangi, kua hainatia e Te Puni Kōkiri, e Te Māngai Pāho me Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori tētahi whakaaetanga e whakarewa ana i ētahi kaupapa reo Māori e aro nui ana ki te hunga rangatahi.

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Te Ao Pāpāho - Māori Media Sector Shift - Current state of the sector

  • Published: 13 Haratua 2019

This document sought Cabinet’s agreement to a guiding vision for the Māori media sector including outcomes and design principles that will inform its future state. Attached to the Cabinet paper is an overview paper that outlines the current state of the Māori media sector. The overview paper includes the challenges faced and the nature of the shift required to best serve audiences with te reo Māori and tikanga Māori content in a digital environment with changing consumer expectations.

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Historic abuse in state care - Government sets out how it’ll respond to inquiry

  • Date: 08 Haratua 2019

The Government has agreed on a set of principles to guide how government agencies and the Crown responds to the Royal Commission into historical abuse in state care and in the care of faith-based institutions.

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Nancy Tuaine appointed Te Puni Kōkiri Regional Manager for Te Tai Hauāuru

  • Date: 07 Haratua 2019

Iwi from Te Tai Hauāuru welcomed Nancy Tuaine as the new Te Puni Kōkiri Regional Manager for Te Puni Kōkiri at Whangaehu Marae, near Whanganui today.

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He pai ake ngā momo pārongo e wātea ana ki ngā kaipupuri whenua Māori nā te whakahoutanga o tētahi pae tukutuku.

  • Date: 03 Haratua 2019

The launch of the upgraded WhenuaViz website marks an important milestone in the rollout of the new Whenua Māori Programme. The Whenua Māori Programme, co-led by Te Puni Kōkiri and the Ministry of Justice, aims to stimulate new opportunities for whānau to realise their aspirations for Māori freehold land.

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Overseas Travel: Hon Nanaia Mahuta – Chile

  • Published: 23 Paengawhāwhā 2019

These documents seek approval for and report on the Minister's travel to Chile.

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Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki

  • Date: 18 Paengawhāwhā 2019

A cheaper power bill and a sweet-smelling bathroom were the immediate positive impacts for the Goldsmith whānau after completing their housing repairs.

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Developing a plan on New Zealand's progress on the United Nations

  • Published: 10 Paengawhāwhā 2019

This document sought Cabinets agreement for the Ministry of Māori Development to lead a process to develop a declaration plan on New Zealand's progress towards the objectives of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP).

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Māori Wardens are here to help our people on the right path to a better life

  • Date: 01 Paengawhāwhā 2019

Joining the Māori Wardens in 1984 was a key step towards Haki becoming the kind of leader he thought his people needed.

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Initial response to the review of Whānau Ora

  • Published: 01 Paengawhāwhā 2019

This document sought Cabinet's agreement to release the report from the review of Whānau Ora: "Whānau Ora Review: Tipu Matoro ki Te Ao: Final Report to the Minister for Whānau Ora." It also sought to dissolve the Whānau Ora Partnership Group ahead of new governance arrangements. These documents have been proactively released.

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