Analysis of District Plan Papakāinga Rules

This report explores the different ways district plans across the motu enable the development of papakāinga through local planning rules.

This report explores the different ways district plans across the motu enable the development of papakāinga through local planning rules. It makes recommendations on how planning rules can be improved to better enable papakāinga. This analysis is the first of its kind and contributes to the ongoing kōrero about the planning system and its relationship to papakāinga.

The analysis was completed in November 2023. We have endeavoured to ensure the details in the report are accurate as best as we can, however it is possible that we have misinterpreted or missed some details.

Online wānanga

On 12 June 2024 we held a wānanga with council officers iwi and hapū and others involved in papakāinga development form across the country. Powerpoint slides from presentations at the wānanga discussing the report and its findings are listed below.

If you have any feedback, updates or corrections please contact the Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Housing Policy team at

Video recordings of presenters
