Kaupapa hou

The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

How Ōtautahi Māori Wardens awhi communities in and out of COVID

  • Date: 04 Hereturikōkā 2020

One of the biggest struggles for Māori Wardens working through lockdown in Christchurch East, was being unable to give whānau what they desperately wanted - the simple power of a hug.

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New app aims to revolutionise seasonal work

  • Date: 22 Hōngongoi 2020

Māori tech business Jobloads pivoted its original business during lockdown and has just developed a digital solution that connects pre-verified workers with horticulture industry jobs.

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‘No whānau go hungry’ mandate driving new South Island service

  • Date: 15 Hōngongoi 2020

A new Māori organisation called Te Pātaka Inc is being established to continue providing kai and firewood to assist whānau experiencing hardship from COVID-19 in Te Tau Ihu (top of the South Island).

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Critical first aid equipment and training for rural Whakatōhea marae

  • Date: 15 Hōngongoi 2020

The harrowing reality of a medical emergency at their marae has spurred Whakatōhea whānau into equipping and training themselves in first aid.

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COVID-19 accelerates training and processes for Māori wardens

  • Date: 08 Hōngongoi 2020

Wharekāhika is a small coastal township between Potaka and Te Araroa along State Highway 35 on the East Coast. Like many other rural communities around Aotearoa during lockdown, the Wharekāhika community were determined to protect their whānau, especially the vulnerable like kaumātua and pēpi, from the coronavirus by setting up checkpoints to stop the spread of the virus into their township.

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COVID-19 community and marae response fund – factsheet

  • Published: 02 Hōngongoi 2020

The Whānau Māori Community and Marae Response Fund was launched on 24 March 2020 to support whānau, communities, marae and businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This factsheet covers the first wave of investments (as at 8 April 2020)

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Te Puni Kōkiri Monitoring Report: Review of Ministry of Social Development employment services and programmes in Auckland

  • Published: 26 Pipiri 2020

In 2020 Te Puni Kōkiri refreshed its State Sector Effectiveness monitoring function. These documents relate to that work and include Cabinet’s agreement on the refreshed monitoring function of Te Puni Kōkiri, the Minute Decision, and the pilot review of Ministry of Development employment services and programmes in Auckland

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Budding Ngāti Toa entrepreneurs get ‘world class’ training

  • Date: 18 Pipiri 2020

One Māori business is being mentored by two global investors and another is developing a prototype to patent after a successful Ngāti Toa entrepreneurs wānanga that left 25 iwi attendees buzzing.

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Resilient rangatahi move inspiration online

  • Date: 17 Pipiri 2020

Kauwhau Whakaohooho is an interpretation of inspirational Ted Talks and is a four-part webinar series created by Te Waiora, a rōpū Māori at the University of Waikato. The online series is designed by rangatahi for rangatahi, to bring them together in a safe online space to have online conversations with the hope to inspire and act.

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Building lives through Māori cadetships

  • Date: 17 Pipiri 2020

Building business owner, Jarrod Tua (Ngā Puhi), didn’t waste time when he had to down tools during the COVID-19 lockdown. He swapped his hammer for a computer and successfully applied for Te Puni Kōkiri funding to support four new cadets.

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Focus on the Future of Māori Media

  • Date: 09 Pipiri 2020

Fast evolving technology, changing audience demands and the way the Māori media sector can respond to both is behind a series of hui and kōrero running this month.

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Economic report – planning for a post-COVID reality

  • Date: 04 Pipiri 2020

The third of three reports Te Puni Kōkiri has commissioned into the economic and business impacts of COVID-19 is now available. 

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Te Arawa Level 2 marae packs ready to go

  • Date: 03 Pipiri 2020

When New Zealand moved to Alert Level 2, Te Arawa were quick off the mark to prepare their marae for the loosening of restrictions – while keeping everyone safe.

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Online Māori mall for Te Tai Hauāuru goes live

  • Date: 27 Haratua 2020

Hokohoko, a new online Māori mall has been launched to provide hundreds of Māori businesses across Te Tai Hauāuru the opportunity to sell their products and services on the one-stop-shop website. 


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Rangatahi helps kaumātua bridge digital divide

  • Date: 25 Haratua 2020

On the northern side of the Otago Peninsula, near Ōtākou Marae lives Tia Taiaroa, a recent university graduate who has been supporting kaumātua to take their first steps into the digital world during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Delivering for whānau Māori despite dialysis

  • Date: 22 Haratua 2020

Helping your people through an emergency takes a combined effort, especially as you come out of the immediate response and into the long-haul of recovery.

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Responding to COVID-19 – economic impacts on whenua businesses

  • Date: 22 Haratua 2020

The second of three reports Te Puni Kōkiri has commissioned into the economic and business impacts of COVID-19, with a focus on Māori land-based sectors, is now available.

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Help for Māori governance entities under new legislation

  • Date: 21 Haratua 2020

New legislation is now in place to support Māori governance entities to operate in the wake of COVID-19 restrictions

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Taiohi realities in Te Tai Tokerau during COVID-19

  • Date: 21 Haratua 2020

While some taiohi Māori in Te Tai Tokerau embraced the COVID-19 lockdown as a time to just breath and take a break from the ‘rat race’, many other taiohi were in struggle mode.

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Mā tōu rou, mā taku rourou ka ora te iwi

  • Date: 21 Haratua 2020

With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

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Kua hora te wairua mākohakoha ki Papakura

  • Date: 21 Haratua 2020

A spirit of generosity spreads across Papakura.

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Ngāti Kahungunu builds on initial response to COVID-19

  • Date: 21 Haratua 2020

The coronavirus which is causing havoc around the world has brought out some amazing examples of co-operation, not least of all here in Ikaroa-Rāwhiti.

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Supporting the rebuild of whānau

  • Date: 14 Haratua 2020

$78.056 million has been allocated for commissioning activities that support those additional whānau who have engaged with Whānau Ora because of COVID-19.

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Respond and recover to whānau needs

  • Date: 14 Haratua 2020

This funding will be provided directly to Whānau Ora Commissioning Agencies and will mean they can continue supporting whānau to manage the direct impacts of COVID-19.

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Mōkai Pātea Deed of Mandate

  • Date: 13 Haratua 2020

Te Arawhiti invites submissions, views or inquiries concerning the draft Deed of Mandate Strategy by which the Mōkai Pātea Waitangi Claims Trust (MPWCT) will seek a mandate for the settlement negotiations of the historical Treaty claims of the Mōkai Pātea Large Natural Group.

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