Māori in Horticulture – 2020 research report

This report estimates the size and share of Māori in the horticulture sector in 2020.

While Māori share of land in horticulture is relatively small at five percent, Māori horticulture has grown 300% since 2006. This growth is set to continue and may double in size in as little as 10 years.

There are a number of hurdles to overcome for this growth to be realised – including access to water, a reliable labour market and the availability of funds to invest in land development.

This report was commissioned by Te Puni Kōkiri, the Ministry of Primary Industries and Horticulture New Zealand and was prepared by BERL in April 2020.

Read the case studies about Māori involvement in the sector:

  • About: Whenua
  • Published in 2020