The Implications of a Recession for the Māori Economy
Table of contents
Strengths of Māori Business29
Some Māori businesses may be well placed to leverage of these trends. Te Puni Kōkiri has identified the following characteristics that will contribute to the success of some Māori businesses:
- The majority of the entities tend to have low debt-equity ratios: This has resulted largely from the risk aversion that Māori organisations have towards debt.
- The separation of commercial activities from non-commercial is seen as an important: A range of subsidiary companies have been established to enable partnerships and joint ventures to take advantage of opportunities and to share risk.
- Movement to diversify assets: Māori have acquired a diverse range of businesses, such as private hospitals, retirement villages, wine and horticultural distribution channels, thermal energy companies, telecommunication businesses, major tourism businesses and infrastructure.
- Strong focus on quadruple bottom line: Māori businesses are focussing on balancing social, cultural, environmental and business goals.
- Value being Māori: The perception that being Māori is a positive difference.
- Recruit best skilled people: seek to recruit the best skilled people to ensure effective and efficient management of the organisation.
29 Ibid.