Pae Aronui

Pae Aronui is an initiative to improve education, training and employment outcomes for rangatahi Māori.

Kia ora, this Fund has been fully committed for the 2023-24 financial year.  We will advise when applications open for 2024-25.

Last updated: Wednesday, 3 July 2024 | Rāapa, 03 Hōngongoi, 2024

About Pae Aronui

Pae Aronui is aimed at improving education, training and employment outcomes for Māori 15-24 year olds that are not in education, employment or training (NEET) or are at risk of becoming NEET (at key transition points).

The name Pae is taken from the term paepae, literally the line-up of contributors to a community’s knowledge and commitment. Aronui is taken from the term ‘Kete Aronui’ one of the three baskets of knowledge, which held all the knowledge that could help mankind. (Nā Dr. Wayne Ngata)

Key learnings so far

The Pae Aronui Year 1 Programme Report (linked below) presents an analysis of the year one monitoring and reporting data in order to assess and evaluate the outcomes achieved as a result of rangatahi engagement in Pae Aronui for the period March 2019 to June 2020. The factsheet gives some statistics about the rangatahi who attended the programme and some of the learnings from the providers.

Pae Aronui Year One Report 2020 [PDF, 2MB]

TPK Pae Aronui Factsheet Nov 2020 [PDF, 659KB]

What does Pae Aronui aim to achieve?

A key objective is to grow the ‘capital’ (confidence, capability and connectedness) of rangatahi, enabling them to make informed choices about the quality of lives they will lead (including their self-defined ‘wellbeing’), and how they can take advantage of obvious development and employment opportunities.

How will Pae Aronui work?

We are seeking innovative approaches from providers that have the capability and experience to deliver tailored support for rangatahi to achieve learning and employment outcomes. We expect providers to work with at least 20 rangatahi, and to case-manage them to/through learning and/or employment outcomes within the calendar year.

We are  focused on supporting Māori 15-24 year olds in South Auckland, West Auckland, Hamilton, the Hutt Valley, and/or Porirua. These are the areas with the highest numbers of rangatahi Māori that are NEET/at risk of becoming NEET, and where the most significant employment opportunities are forecast.

What are the key outcomes that we want to achieve?

Te Puni Kōkiri is seeking innovative approaches to enhance education and employment outcomes for Māori 15-24 year olds that are NEET or at risk of becoming NEET (the target group).

The key outcomes sought through Pae Aronui for the target group (in accordance with their own aspirations) are:

Education / Learning outcomes, as evidenced by target group members:

  • re-engaging in qualification-based learning,
  • ­attaining credits/qualifications, or
  • ­taking meaningful and measurable steps towards re-engaging in learning or attaining qualifications (for those that are least confident, capable and connected).

Employment outcomes, as evidenced by target group members:

  • attaining relevant pre-employment credits and or qualifications,
  • attaining stable employment (for at least 6 months),
  • attaining in-work credits and qualifications, and or
  • acquiring relevant pre-employment skills (for those that are least confident, capable and connected).

How much will be invested?

Pae Aronui has $15m (over 4 years), with $1m dedicated towards supporting the work that Māori Wardens do with rangatahi.

Media releases

Pae Aronui Media Statement

Minister launches employment scheme for urban rangatahi