Official Information Act responses

Response date Subject of the request Response
20/09/2024 Directives to Te Puni Kōkiri from the Minister for Māori Development/Minister for Whānau Ora on preparing policy advice since December 2023 OIA response 49572 PDF (171KB)
17/09/2024 Whānau Ora Expansion Project and tendering process OIA response 49062 PDF (19.1MB)
16/09/2024 Use of te reo Māori – budget, policy changes and advice OIA response 49464 PDF (2.1MB)
13/09/2024 Diversity Works membership cost OIA response 49507 PDF (786KB)
11/09/2024 2024 change process – communications and number of roles established/disestablished OIA response 49428 PDF (229KB)
10/09/2024 Māori Warden appointments OIA response 49386 PDF (1.7MB)
2/09/2024 Contracts between Te Puni Kōkiri and Indigenous Design and Innovation Aotearoa OIA response 49222 PDF (8.4MB)
29/08/2024 Whānau Ora and Pasifika Futures funding OIA response 49309 PDF (224KB)
29/08/2024 2024 credit card statements for Te Puni Kōkiri kaimahi who have a credit card assigned to them OIA response 49323 PDF (16.9MB)
28/08/2024 Process to appoint and reappointment Māori Wardens OIA response 49312 PDF (15.8MB)
27/08/2024 Māori Committee areas authorised within Te Arawa Māori Council District OIA response 49456 PDF (166KB)
27/08/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri comment on Cabinet paper – Initiating a review of the Public Works Act 1981 OIA response 49285 PDF (973KB)
26/08/2024 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training for the past three years OIA response 49261 PDF (267KB)
21/08/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri guidelines/policies relating to neurodiversity, disability or accessibility OIA response 49279 PDF (1.2MB)
21/08/2024 Titles of Te Puni Kōkiri advice to the Minister for Māori Development and Minister for Whānau Ora from 1 December 2023 OIA response 49239 PDF (197KB)
7/08/2024 Job titles of Te Puni Kōkiri kaimahi who have a credit card assigned to them OIA response 49247 PDF (176KB)
7/08/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri salary bands and union delegates OIA response 49213 PDF (747KB)
6/08/2024 Analysis of Māori inequities OIA response 49047 PDF (199KB)
5/08/2024 Whānau Ora funding and number of whānau supported OIA response 49216 PDF (238KB)
5/08/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri advice to Ministers on the implementation of the Whānau Ora tendering process OIA response 49089 PDF (226KB)
1/08/2024 Data on the Māori unemployment rates for the past eight years OIA response 49217 PDF (135KB)
26/07/2024 Changes made to kaimahi working on work programmes as a result of the change of Government OIA response 49077 PDF (137KB)
24/07/2024 Advice and information regarding change process; correspondence regarding the use of te reo Māori, cultural capability and Te Tiriti obligations, from November 2023 OIA response 49050 PDF (5.3MB)
23/07/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri job titles where the role includes promoting equality, sustainability or culture OIA response 49009 PDF (892KB)
19/07/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri Data Strategy and use of the Data Capability Strategy OIA response 49005 PDF (5.7MB)
17/07/2024 Te Kawa Mataaho review of appointment process OIA response 49019 PDF (201KB)
17/07/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri spend on contractors and consultants for change processes from 27 November 2023 OIA response 48924 PDF (2.9MB)
15/07/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri kaimahi attendance at courses run by Unity House Limited trading as the Pakeha Project OIA response 49040 PDF (159KB)
15/07/2024 Contracts and correspondence with ImpactLab from 1 January 2020 OIA response 48897 PDF (1.3MB)
1/07/2024 Initiatives submitted but not funded through Budget 2024 OIA response 48899 PDF (253KB)
1/07/2024 Proposals to give effect to the Government’s directive to reduce expenditure OIA response 48898 PDF (1.3MB)
1/07/2024 Fiscal Sustainability and Effectiveness Decision Document OIA response 48898 PDF (1.3MB)
27/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri funding granted to Popup Business School Aotearoa Limited OIA response 48725 PDF (197KB)
26/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri OIA guidance OIA response 48923 PDF (1.3MB)
26/06/2024 Documents relating to Te Puni Kōkiri funding agreements with Tekau Plus, Fomana or NZ Bio Forestry between 2008 and 2011 OIA response 48399 part 1 PDF (19.5MB) OIA response 48399 part 2 PDF (13.8MB) OIA response 48399 part 3 PDF (18.5MB)
26/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri digital, technology and information strategies OIA response 48935 part 1 PDF (6.5MB) OIA response 48935 part 2 PDF (9.7MB) OIA response 48935 part 3 PDF (8.3MB)
20/06/2024 Correspondence and decision making at tiers 1 and 2 for a review of appointment OIA response 48752 PDF (222KB)
13/06/2024 External advice on organisational change from 31 October 2023 to 29 May 2024 OIA response 48778 PDF (175KB)
13/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri funding granted to organisations based in Taranaki for the past five years OIA response 48685 PDF (958KB)
11/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri funding granted to Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2021 OIA response 48657 PDF (11.7MB)
7/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri advice to Cabinet relating to cost savings OIA response 48732 PDF (135KB)
6/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri funding within the Ngāi Tahu takiwā for financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24 OIA response 48561 PDF (1.2MB)
4/06/2024 ELT minutes and correspondence regarding staff cuts or reductions since 1 November 2023 OIA response 48643 PDF (163KB)
4/06/2024 Registrations to Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-O-Ngāpuhi (TRAION) OIA response 48759 PDF (196KB)
24/05/2024 Information provided by Te Puni Kōkiri in response to Te Kawa Mataaho information requests. Part 1 PDF (24.0MB) Part 2 PDF (14.1MB) Part 3 PDF (5.6MB)
21/05/2024 Funding granted to Taranaki Whānui Limited from 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2021 OIA response 48656 PDF (217KB)
20/05/2024 Number of Te Puni Kōkiri staff receiving an annualised salary of between $95,000 and $100,000 OIA response 48565 PDF (135KB)
16/05/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri spend on contractors and consultants since 2017/18 financial year OIA response 48547 PDF (841KB)
9/05/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri policy on the use of artificial intelligence OIA response 48530 PDF (852KB)
9/05/2024 Copies of proposal documents relating to reducing expenditure OIA response 48466 PDF (152KB)
2/05/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri expenditure on Public Relations and Communications support for the past two years OIA response 48431 PDF (795KB)
30/04/2024 Number and details of disestablished roles since 1 August 2023 OIA response 48465 PDF (372KB)
24/04/2024 Meeting commitments to the Algorithm Charter for Aotearoa OIA response 48424 PDF (209KB)
22/04/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy OIA response 48413 PDF (956KB)
22/04/2024 Sponsorship given by Tui Ora to WOMAD in 2023 and 2024 OIA response 48448 PDF (194KB)
16/04/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri advice on the implementation of the Gang Amendment Bill OIA response 48315 PDF (2.1MB)
16/04/2024 Publication of draft Long Term Insights Briefings OIA response 48384 PDF (259KB)
16/04/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri funding of social services in Rāhui Pōkeka/Huntly in the past three years OIA response 48406 PDF (780KB)
15/04/2024 Records of meetings with representatives of other parliamentary parties since 27 November 2023 OIA response 48473 PDF (194KB)
9/04/2024 Kaimahi working from home within the past 12 months OIA response 48351 PDF (164KB)
9/04/2024 Cancellation of Mātaitai Reservation OIA response 48326 PDF (165KB)
21/03/2024 Secondary briefings provided to the Minister for Māori Development and the Minister for Whānau Ora since 27 November 2023 OIA response 48261 PDF (128KB)
20/03/2024 Briefings or correspondence sent to the Minister to support conversations with lobbying groups OIA response 48300 PDF (238KB)
15/03/2024 Whānau Direct funding for dental treatment in Tairāwhiti between 2013 – 2023 OIA response 48224 PDF (131KB)
15/03/2024 Number and details of disestablished roles for the period 1 August 2023 – 29 February 2024 OIA response 48241 PDF (198KB)
15/03/2024 Advice relating to Māori interests in radio spectrum OIA response 48091 PDF (3.8MB)
12/03/2024 Contracts or funding within the Taupō district for the last three financial years OIA response 48187 PDF (680KB)
4/03/2024 Funding to Tūrangawaewae Marae or the Office of the Māori King in relation to hui held 20 January 2024 OIA response 48160 PDF (133KB)
4/03/2024 Funding provided to Strive 101 Limited OIA response 48143 PDF (101KB)
28/02/2024 Te Ringa Hāpai Whenua Fund recipients to 8 February 2024 OIA response 48172 PDF (265KB)
27/02/2024 Communications relating to fiscal savings and potential restructures from August 2023 OIA response 48109 PDF (1.4MB)
22/02/2024 Correspondence and advice relating to fiscal savings for 2024/25 financial year from 20 November 2023 OIA response 48102 PDF (1.2MB)
19/02/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri Information and Communications Technology roles OIA response 48090 PDF (1,020KB)
16/02/2024 Updates to the Government Department Strategies Index to 31 December 2023 OIA response 48116 PDF (254KB)
13/02/2024 Emails sent to Te Puni Kōkiri nomination service database (Te Pae Ārahi) members from 1 January 2023 to 12 January 2024 OIA response 48056 PDF (2.1MB)
12/02/2024 List of Māori Warden groups registered under the Māori Community Development Act 1962 OIA response 48044 PDF (777KB)
12/02/2024 Vote Māori Development information for the past 10 years OIA response 48064 PDF (246KB)
7/02/2024 Advice provided by Te Puni Kōkiri to the Minister for Māori Development on repealing the Smokefree legislation OIA response 48048 PDF (1.9MB)
26/01/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri Christmas bonuses, expenditure and office closure OIA request 47959 PDF (220KB)
26/01/2024 Nominations to Te Māori Manaaki Taonga Trust OIA request 47993 PDF (125KB)
23/01/2024 Directions from Minister/Ministers Office regarding style preferences OIA request 47974 PDF (261KB)
19/01/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri process for drafting section 8I reports OIA request 47900 PDF (16.3MB)
18/01/2024 Communications regarding use of te reo Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi OIA response 47994 PDF (866KB)
15/01/2024 Emails sent/received regarding National Māori Action Day and staff guidance on political neutrality OIA response 47948 PDF (6.2MB)
15/01/2024 Emails sent/received regarding National Māori Action Day and staff guidance on political neutrality . OIA response 47948 PDF (6.2MB)
8/01/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri spend on branding/logo and development/upkeep of website since 2017 OIA response 47921 PDF (186KB)
20/12/2023 Use of vehicles, taxis, and ride-sharing apps OIA response 47913 PDF (153KB)
20/12/2023 Information regarding any hold on recruitment or changes in recruitment practices in the last two months OIA response 47913 PDF (154KB)
19/12/2023 Information regarding any hold on recruitment or changes in recruitment practices in the last two months OIA response 47931 PDF (134KB)
11/12/2023 Advice and communications on the use of te reo Māori since 13 October 2023 OIA response 47915 PDF (124KB)
11/12/2023 Information relating to the operation of the Māori Reserved Land Act 1955 since 2017 OIA response 47909 PDF (155KB)
7/12/2023 Waiomatatini A5 land block, Porourangi Pā, Porourangi and Waiomatatini Marae funding OIA response 47881 PDF (2.5MB)
6/12/2023 Information relating to Wai 52 claim and an individual OIA response 47869 PDF (1.7MB)
5/12/2023 Pīngao Estate Ahu Whenua Trust funding OIA response 47907 PDF (139KB)
5/12/2023 Information relating to the Ruapehu Alpine Lifts and/or the Whakapapa or Tūroa ski fields OIA response 47906 PDF (151KB)
4/12/2023 Cabinet papers and proposed legislation amending the Conservation Act, National Parks Act or the Crown Minerals Act to further limit mining on Public Conservation Land since January 2023 OIA Response 47897 PDF (78KB)
20/11/2023 Te Matapaeroa 2020 report - further information on types of Māori Agricultural businesses OIA response 47883 PDF (142KB)
20/11/2023 Te Puni Kōkiri policies and procedures relating to parental leave OIA response 47902 PDF (1.8MB)
17/11/2023 Te Puni Kōkiri nomination process, number of registered people, successful nominations in the past two years OIA response 47884 PDF (178KB)
15/11/2023 Te Puni Kōkiri diversity, rainbow or inclusivity training for the past four years OIA response 47878 PDF (322KB)