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Whānau Ora Review Report - Tipu Mātoro ki te Ao
The Whānau Ora Review Report - Tipu Mātoro ki te Ao, affirms this unique whānau ora approach is working well for Māori and Pacific families
Whānau Ora Annual Summary Report: 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2017
This report describes the way Whānau Ora (the initiative) was delivered and the results it achieved for 2016/17 – the third year of commissioning. The report identifies the results at a whānau level and provides information on the wider activities of Commissioning Agencies.
Whānau Ora Annual Summary Report: 1 July 2015 – 30 June 2016
This report describes the way Whānau Ora (the initiative) was delivered in 2015/16 and the results achieved. As 2015/16 was the second year of commissioning, results at a whānau level can be identified and the wider activities of Commissioning Agencies can be considered.
Whānau Ora Annual Summary Report: 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015
This report describes the way Whānau Ora (the initiative) was delivered in 2014/15 and the results it achieved.
Formative evaluation of the Whānau Ora commissioning agency model : an independent evaluation report
The aim of the formative evaluation is to examine how well the Whānau Ora commissioning model is working across the three agencies.
Understanding whānau-centred approaches: Analysis of Phase One Whānau Ora research and monitoring results
The first phase of Whānau Ora (2010 – 2015) has focused on strengthening provider capability to design and deliver whānau-centred approaches.
Kōrero Mai e te Whānau
Kōrero Mai e te Whānau – Whānau Stories of Integration, Innovation and Engagement presents the stories of 12 whānau who completed whānau plans during Phase One of Whānau Ora.
Whānau Ora Achievements Report
In July 2014 the then Minister of Whānau Ora, Minister Turia presented this Whānau Ora Achievements Report in the House.
Tracking Whānau Ora Outcomes July – December 2013
The Tracking Whānau Ora Outcomes July – December 2013 report reviews results from action research and Whānau Ora Provider Collective reports from June – December 2013.
Safer Whānau
As a member of both the Taskforce for Action on Sexual Violence and the Taskforce for Action on Violence within Families, Te Puni Kōkiri completed two significant initiatives – the Tiaki Tinana Report and the Māori Research Agenda.
He Tautoko Whānau
Kei roto nei he whakamārama mō ngā momo tautoko ā-putea nei ka taea te whiwhi hei āwhina i a tātou tamariki, whānau, i a koro kui mā hoki. Whiringa-ā-Nuku 2006, 4 whārangi.