Whānau Ora enables whānau to thrive.
Whānau Ora puts whānau and families in control of services and supports they need to build on their strengths and achieve their aspirations. Whānau Ora uses a kaupapa Māori approach to improve the wellbeing of whānau as a group, addressing individual needs within the context of whānau or families and their culture.
Whānau Ora can be for all people of Aotearoa New Zealand.
Next Steps for Whānau Ora
Whānau Ora puts whānau and families at the centre of the services and supports they need, to build on their strengths and achieve their aspirations.
Mā ngā Whānau
Learn how Whānau Ora can help you and your whānau build on your strengths and access the services to achieve your goals and aspirations.
Whānau Ora Kaupapa
Whānau ora is a culturally grounded approach to improving the wellbeing of whānau as a group while addressing individual needs.
Commissioning Agencies
Commissioning agencies are contracted by Te Puni Kōkiri to invest in services in communities across the country.
Paiheretia te Muka Tāngata
Paiheretia te Muka Tāngata – Uniting the Threads of Whānau (Paiheretia) is a kaupapa that draws on the strengths of the Whānau Ora approach to support whānau engaged with the Corrections system. It aims to improve whānau wellbeing, thereby reducing re-offending and imprisonment.
Localised Commissioning
Te Puni Kōkiri is working with local agencies to deliver whānau ora support in their communities.
Ngā Tini Whetū
Ngā Tini Whetū is a whānau-centred early support prototype involving Te Puni Kōkiri, Oranga Tamariki and ACC designed to strengthen families and improve the safety and wellbeing of children.
Whānau Ora Outcomes
Find out how Whānau Ora works, how it has evolved and the ways it is being implemented through government agencies working with local providers.
Ā Mātou Kōrero mō Whānau Ora
See examples of how Whānau Ora is being put into practice through new ways of working by providers and government agencies.
Te Arotake o Whānau Ora
The Whanau Ora Review Report – Tipu Mātoro ki te Ao, has been released and affirms this unique approach is working well for Māori and Pacific families.