Kaupapa hou

The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

Whānau Ora - Te Kākano o te Totara Leadership Wānanga

  • Date: 31 Hereturikōkā 2016

Te Kākano o te Totara offers the opportunity to support the growth of these emerging leaders through wānanga, networking, coaching, and mentors to pursue whānau transformation.

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Home repairs make life easier for Chatham Islands Resident

  • Date: 31 Hereturikōkā 2016

Life is much easier for Chatham Islands woman Joan Hough, now that she has an affordable and reliable power supply and access to water.

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Hāngī Cooker set for success in Australasia

  • Date: 31 Hereturikōkā 2016

Hone Tipene has adapted the traditional earth oven for a modern lifestyle. He now has a successful business with an expected growth of 150%.

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Restoring my own mana

  • Date: 25 Hōngongoi 2016

Matanuku is a man who, with help from an initiative being run by the Manukau Urban Māori Authority in South Auckland, has turned his life around, and has taken steps to restore his own mana on his own terms.

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Kapa haka is for everyone

  • Date: 25 Hōngongoi 2016

Meet the new Executive Director of Te Matatini, Carl Ross, as he talks about his passion for kapa haka and priorities in his new role.

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From te reo 'outsider' to te reo ambassador

  • Date: 25 Hōngongoi 2016

There was a time when Jenny-May Clarkson felt like an “outsider” in her own culture. Yes, she “looked Māori, felt Māori”, but never quite got Māori.

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Te Mātāwai

  • Date: 25 Hōngongoi 2016

Membership of Te Mātāwai – the new organisation established to lead reo Māori revitalisation on behalf of iwi and Māori – is almost finalised and it’s likely it will hold its first meeting in late October 2016.

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Te Pātaka a Te Ururoa

  • Date: 25 Hōngongoi 2016

Karanga mai e Hine-takurua, karanga mai e Matariki!

The rise of Matariki is always a time to reflect – to be content with the year that has gone, and look forward to new challenges with renewed enthusiasm.

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Mai i te Toihautū

  • Date: 25 Hōngongoi 2016

Kei ngā ihuoneone, kei ngā taituarā o te ao Māori, tēnei ka mihi ake.

Nau mai Hine-takurua, nau mai Puanga kai rau, nau mai e te iwa o Matariki!

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He Korowai Trust – providing ordinary services in an extraordinary way

  • Date: 25 Hōngongoi 2016

He Korowai Trust has been working for the last four years to create a housing solution for whānau in desperate need in Kaitāia. This four year dream was finally realised with the opening of 9 homes within its social housing project – Kohuhu papakāinga, a 35 bed emergency accommodation unit, medical centre, community café and social services.


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Minister lays wreath at Korean War memorial in Seoul

  • Date: 05 Hōngongoi 2016

Māori Development Minister Te Ururoa Flavell took part in a wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial of Korea acknowledging sacrifices during the Korean War including those of New Zealanders who lost their lives in the conflict.

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Minister leads Māori business delegation to South Korea and Japan

  • Date: 05 Hōngongoi 2016

Minister Te Ururoa Flavell led a Māori business delegation on a six-day Ministerial culture and trade mission to South Korea and Japan. 

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A lifetime of legislation

  • Date: 05 Hōngongoi 2016

Growing up in rural Northland, the oldest child of a widowed mother, Rihi Paea (or Tottie) Paki, Ben Paki is clear on his motivation for following a university pathway. On the eve of his retirement from Te Puni Kōkiri he shared some of his memories.

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Second choice leads to 50 year career

  • Date: 05 Hōngongoi 2016

When a young Pete Little finished a five-year Government rural field cadetship in 1966, he was asked to rank the four sponsoring agencies in order of where he would like to work.

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New Social Housing Development Opens at Mangatawa

  • Date: 05 Hōngongoi 2016

True to the proverb that it takes a whole village to raise a child, these tamariki are doubly blessed in that they have their parents as well as the numerous kuia and koro who live in 16 kaumātua units close by to nurture and raise them together.

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A good innings

  • Date: 05 Hōngongoi 2016

Between them, Pete Little and Ben Paki have notched up nearly 80-years service to Te Puni Kōkiri and its iterations.  So as they had towards retirement, we asked them to share their memories.

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'Measuring what matters for Whānau' - 2016 Whānau Ora Conference

  • Date: 05 Hōngongoi 2016

‘Measuring what matters for Whānau’ is the theme of the 2016 Whānau Ora Conference, hosted by Te Pou Matakana, the North Island commissioning agency.

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Proposals sought for emergency housing places throughout New Zealand

  • Date: 10 Pipiri 2016

The Ministry of Social Development has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking proposals from providers interested in delivering emergency housing contracted places across New Zealand.

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Thankful for a shot

  • Date: 25 Haratua 2016

Applying for up to 60 jobs a week with no success was getting her down. It wasn’t until Vanisa completed a single Māori mother’s employment programme offered through Manukau Urban Māori Authority that she was successful in her search.

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Mā te uaua anō ona ora - Life is in our power of muscle

  • Date: 19 Haratua 2016

This week Minister Flavell announced the Māori Housing Network will receive a $12.6 million boost over the next four years in Budget 2016.

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Solar panels help whānau get on their feet

  • Date: 17 Haratua 2016

It has been a long-awaited home improvement project for the Tukaokao whānau to get access to an affordable and reliable power supply and the whānau couldn’t be happier.

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$12.6 million boost for Māori Housing Network

  • Date: 12 Haratua 2016

Māori Development Minister Te Ururoa Flavell said at a pre-budget announcement the Māori Housing Network will receive a $12.6 million boost over the next four years in this year’s Budget.

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Whānau Ora - Three new funding rounds open

  • Date: 12 Haratua 2016

Te Pūtahitanga are excited to announce three new investment rounds opening on 1 May 2016 and a round of hui throughout Te Waipounamu to help you put in the best possible application. Applications close 31 May 2016.

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Whānau Ora - New Te Pūtahitanga initiative launched

  • Date: 12 Haratua 2016

The 1000 Days Trust, a Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu initiative, has been launched in Christchurch and aims to establish a specialised service for Southland pepi and whānau during the first 1000 days of a child’s life.

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Whenua Māori Fund for land owners

  • Date: 12 Haratua 2016

Are you interested in generating a return from your land? Do you want to want to improve returns from your land?

Te Puni Kōkiri manage the Whenua Māori Fund to support owners and trustees of Māori freehold land explore different uses of land, and news ways to boost its productivity.

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