Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust Notification of Draft Deed of Mandate for Treaty of Waitangi Settlement Negotiations for Ngāti Hāua

The Office of Treaty Settlements (OTS) invites submissions, views or inquiries concerning the Draft Deed of Mandate of the Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust (NHIT) for the settlement negotiations of the historical Treaty claims of Ngāti Hāua.

Published: Rāmere, 12 Haratua, 2017 | Friday, 12 May 2017

Submissions must reach OTS no later than 5pm, 5 June 2017 and can be mailed to the Negotiation and Settlement Manager, Te Hauāuru, Office of Treaty Settlements, SX 10111, WELLINGTON; or emailed to All submissions will be provided to NHIT and will be subject to the Official Information Act 1982.

NHIT is seeking to enter into Treaty negotiations with the Crown for the comprehensive and final settlement of all Ngāti Hāua historical Treaty of Waitangi claims. The proposed settlement will require ratification by the people of Ngāti Hāua before a Deed of Settlement is signed with the Crown.

The Draft Deed of Mandate refers to publicly-notified NHIT convened mandate hui that were held in Taumarunui, Whanganui, Auckland, Hamilton, and Christchurch. Mandate voting was carried out by secret ballot at mandate hui and through online and postal ballot voting. The ballots were collated and counted by an Independent Returning Officer. 97.86% of those who participated voted in favour of the resolution to mandate NHIT to negotiate all Ngāti Hāua historical Treaty claims.

Ngāti Hāua Ancestors

Ngāti Hāua is seeking a mandate to represent all persons who descend from one or more of their common ancestors Paerangi, Ruatupua Nui, and Hāua and or any of the Ngāti Hāua hapū recognised ancestors Te Hoata, Hinengakau and her husbands Auroa and Tamahina, Whakaneke and Taitua Te Uhi, Te Rangipuhia, Hauaroa, Hekeāwai, Tū Te Mahurangi, and Te Pikikotuku I.  

Ngāti Hāua Constituent Groups

Hapū to be included are: Ngāti Hāua, Ngāti Hauaroa, Ngāti Reremai, Ngāti Tū, Ngāti Hekeāwai, Ngāti Whati, Ngāti Te Awhitu, Ngāti Wera/Tuwera, Ngāti Rangitengaue, Ngāti Tama-o-Ngāti Hāua, Ngāti Hira, Hauaroa ki te Rangi, and Ngāti Onga. Shared hapū to be included are: Ngāti Keu, Ngāti Kura, Ngāti Hinewai, Ngāti Poutama and Ngāti Ruru.

Wai Claims

The Wai claims to be negotiated are all claims, whether registered or unregistered, that arise from Crown actions and omissions that occurred prior to 21 September 1992, including, but not limited to: Wai 764, 1203, 1299, and Wai 48, 50, 81, 146,167, 1029, 1097, 1147, 1191,1229 and 1505 insofar as they relate to Ngāti Hāua.

Submissions must reach OTS no later than 5pm, 5 June 2017.

For further information, and to view the draft Deed of Mandate, please visit the OTS website, or the Ngāti Hāua Iwi Trust website

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