The mahi Ngā Wātene Māori do to support whānau in the community is on track to be recognised by a new tohu in mid-2022. The nationally approved qualifications could also open doors for new career opportunities.
Published: Rāmere, 23 Hōngongoi, 2021 | Friday, 23 July 2021
The development of the qualifications comes from the Training work-stream of the Maori Wardens Modernisation programme. A capability stock-take across the 16 Māori Warden districts took place in 2020, and identified training Wardens received, and what additional skills and qualifications they needed.
The stocktake also sought feedback from Wardens on improvements that could be made to their training, and what skills and experience Wardens needed to support whānau, hāpori and huihui tangata.
A two day workshop to discuss the qualifications was held in October 2020.
A major recommendation from the stock-take report was to scope out the modern role of a Māori Warden and create a structured learning programme around this. By demonstrating the skills and competencies required to do Warden mahi, the tohu could help provide career pathways and attract younger people to the Māori Warden movement.
The first steps towards developing the qualifications were made at a two-day workshop in October 2020. The workshop was facilitated by tertiary education professionals, Jack Doherty and Lynne Johnston who have worked for and with the NZ Qualifications Authority (NZQA). The co-facilitators supported Warden participants to identity the skills, mātauranga and experience they considered Wardens need to know or be developed.
Basic competencies identified included traffic control, first-aid and reporting. Knowledge they thought their peers should be aware of included understanding legislation and Te Reo me ōna Tikanga.
Since the workshop, this kaupapa has been progressed through discussions with NZQA. This month NZQA gave official approval to begin developing a Level 2 Certificate for Māori Warden trainees, and a Level 3 Certificate for Māori Wardens with some supervisory skills. Both qualifications cover Rights and Responsibilities (including the history of Māori Wardens), Health and Safety, Communications, and Customer Support.
It was also agreed that any current Wardens would have the opportunity to be given recognition for their current competency and awarded the relevant Warden qualifications if they could supply the necessary ‘Portfolio of Evidence’
Over the next few months, discussions will take place with representatives from the six newly established Māori Warden Regional groups, to sign off the qualifications, and consider how they can be delivered to their members.
Watch a video discussion below featuring Darrin Apanui & Patsie Karauria, the authors of the Capability Stocktake and Jack Doherty, co-facilitator of the October 2020 workshop.