A boost to whānau, whenua and regional development

On Sunday 2 February in Kaikohe, Minister Mahuta and Minister Jones announced major initiatives to support Māori landowners and whenua Māori development, supported by the Prime Minister.

Published: Rāhina, 03 Huitanguru, 2020 | Monday, 3 February 2020

The joint whenua announcement was hosted at Te Kotahitanga e Mahi Kaha Trust in Kaikohe alongside the local community, Māori landowners and local council representatives and those working to support whenua Māori and regional development.  

Rating changes

Minister Mahuta announced proposed changes to the rating of Māori land which will reduce barriers for owners of Māori land who want to use and develop their whenua.

It takes into account that many Māori land blocks are unused or undeveloped but have significant rates arrears owing.

Proposed changes to the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 are expected to be introduced into Parliament in the first half of 2020.

To read the media release, go here

To view Questions and Answers on the proposed changes, read the attachment at the end of this story. 

Tupu.nz now live 

Announcing the go-live for Tupu.nz, Minister Mahuta says the website was developed with Māori to help landowners navigate the complicated journey of whenua Māori ownership.

Tupu.nz is an exciting new tool that supports whenua connection, governance and development.

You can view the new Tupu.nz website here.

To view the media release go here.

Regional and whenua investment 

Minister Jones announced $30 million has been allocated to Māori landowners around the country from the Provincial Growth Fund.

The investments will help Māori landowners develop their whenua, local communities and support regional development.

You can read the media release here. It includes a full list of the 30 initiatives funded across the country.

For more information on the Provincial Growth Fund, go here. 


Attached Files