Case studies on Public Sector Effectiveness for Māori

Last updated: Rāpare, 19 Kohitātea, 2023 | Thursday, 19 January 2023

Te Puni Kōkiri has put together case studies from across Aotearoa which highlight how different government agencies are developing good practice in working effectively with and for Māori.

The case study research has been carried out by our Monitoring Public Sector Effectiveness Team. Te Puni Kōkiri has a programme of monitoring to review the effectiveness of public service. The case studies focus on those areas where agencies are often working in partnership with Māori, iwi and hapū. They are intended as a resource for government agencies and policy makers to learn from and strengthen their effectiveness for Māori.

Improving relationships between mana whenua and government in Te Tai Poutini/West Coast. 

This case study focuses on the relationship of two rūnanga of Ngai Tahu (Ngāti Waewae and Makaawhio), with local council, and central government agencies on the West Coast. The improvement occurred mainly due to the dedication of key individuals, including rūnanga Chairs and local leaders. According to Kara Edwards, Pouarahi / CEO of Makaawhio, things started to change when the influence, knowhow, and wisdom of the rūnanga was realised, there is still a lot of work to do, but there is a widespread sense of optimism about the future of Treaty partnerships in Te Tai Poutini.

Read the case study [PDF 961KB]

Effective Partnerships
Rachel, Francois, Tania, and Jacqui talk about ways to engage with, and work alongside, Māori through making, and keeping in, contact while being honest and transparent when building partnerships

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Relationship Development
Developments, such as strategies and memorandums of agreement, create ways to work together. Rachel, Francois, Tania, and Jacqui speak of building trust by taking the time to visit and getting to know people to building real relationships.

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Aspirations for the Future
Time, trust, and being heard are needed. Rachel, Francois, Tania, and Jacqui talk of remaining open and connected to enable partnerships with iwi, the ones who know what is good and best for their community..

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Te Puea case study

Since 2017, Te Puea Memorial Marae has implemented Manaaki Tangata e Rua, which still operates helping whānau and single parents into housing and providing wrap around support. Since 2016, over 50 whanau have been assisted/moved into affordable accommodation under Manaaki Tangata e Rua programme.

Te Puea Memorial Marae has built strong relationships with a range of government agencies, including MSD, which are now co-located at the marae.

Read the case study [PDF 2MB]

Te Puea Memorial Marae helping homeless whanāu into housing
Chair Hurimoana Dennis describes how Te Puea marae has been helping homeless whanāu into housing. MSD Manager Pip Lototau talks about how MSD got involved in working on the marae.

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Te Puea Memorial Marae contracts with MSD
Since 2017, Te Puea Memorial Marae has contracted with MSD to operate Manaaki Tangata e Rua, helping whānau into housing and providing wrap around support. MSD Manager Pip talks about how working on the marae is different to the office.

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Find out how the relationship between Te Puea marae and MSD kaimahi improved
Te Puea marae ran a programme to expose MSD kaimahi to the real everyday needs of whānau and the work of Māori providers.

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Te Arawa case study

Te Arawa COVID-19 Response Hub was formed in March 2020 to support Māori with kai, information and essential services.  Set up within hours of the Level 4 lockdown being announced, over time more than 50 organisations joined the hub.

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Karen Vercoe

Chief Executive, Te Arawa Lakes Trust

Karen explains the story of how the Te Arawa COVID-19 Response Hub was set up and the support that was received from Te Puni Kōkiri regional office.

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Anahera Waru

Team Leader, Te Puni Kōkiri Te Arawa Office

Anahera talks about the support that Te Puni Kōkiri was able to provide Te Arawa COVID-19 Response Hub based on long-standing relationships and mutual respect.

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Phyllis Tangitu

Pou Manukura – Relationships and Engagement, Lakes District Health Board

Phyllis discusses working with Te Arawa COVID-19 Response Hub to respond to the needs of iwi and the Māori community.

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Oranga Tamariki case study

The Blenheim office of Oranga Tamariki is the focus for this case study, in particular the changes in practice introduced by Kaye MacDonald, the regional manager. She began to work with staff to change practices in 2007 when she first became the site manager. The model of care for tamariki and mokopuna developed, in partnership with Ngā Wāhine Toko i te Ora and Oranga Tamariki.

Case study: Oranga Tamariki [PDF 462KB]