Climate Resilience Web Application

This is a key tool to support hapori Māori (Māori communities) in building resilience against climate change.

This innovative tool, offers detailed, interactive maps and data at the Statistical Area 2 (SA2) level. It illustrates projected climate risks such as heatwaves, droughts, extreme hot days, wet spells, extreme rainfall, and sea level rise. By providing these critical insights, the web app empowers hapori Māori to understand their socio-economic conditions and vulnerabilities, enabling them to develop adaptive strategies for a resilient future.

In addition, Te Puni Kōkiri has undertaken two key analyses to assess the specific risks that climate hazards pose to hapori Māori and Māori-owned businesses. These analyses are crucial for guiding sustainable growth and resilience planning.

The first report "Understanding Climate Hazards for Hapori Māori" report was published in December 2023. The second report, "Understanding the Exposure of Climate Hazards to Māori-Owned Businesses", was published in April 2024. It focuses on how Māori-owned businesses are exposed to selected climate hazards. It identifies vulnerable regions and sectors, with a particular focus on the top three sectors where most Māori-owned businesses operate.

The data provided by these initiatives, particularly through the Climate Resilience Web App, is crucial for helping whānau thrive. By highlighting how climate hazards intersect with socio-economic factors like social isolation and internet connectivity, Māori households and businesses can better assess their risks and take informed steps to build resilience.

This mahi aligns with the Minister of Māori Development’s data-focused priority - ensuring that state services meet Māori needs through improved data availability. This emphasis on data is key to shaping policies, business strategies, and community actions that support whānau and Māori-owned businesses in facing climate challenges.

To access the Climate Resilience Web App click here:

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