Ahuwhenua Trophy

The Ahuwhenua Trophy celebrates excellence in Māori farming. Te Puni Kōkiri is the proud platinum sponsor of this prestigious award which was established by Sir Apirana Ngata and Governor-General Lord Bledisloe in 1933.

Last updated: Wednesday, 14 June 2023 | Rāapa, 14 Pipiri, 2023

The Ahuwhenua Trophy celebrates business excellence in Māori farming and horticulture. It is a major annual event on the agri-business calendar.

Te Puni Kōkiri is a proud platinum sponsor of this prestigious award which was established by Sir Apirana Ngata and Governor-General Lord Bledisloe in 1933. This annual competition rotates across dairy, sheep & beef and horticulture since 2020.

For the latest information on the Ahuwhenua Trophy, visit their dedicated website.

Ahuwhenua Young Māori Award

The Ahuwhenua Young Māori Award showcases talented young Māori farmers and horticulturalists.

Initiated in 2012 as an important extension of the Ahuwhenua Trophy Awards, the Young Māori Farmer/Grower Award encourages other rangatahi to consider agri-business as a career.

In line with the Ahuwhenua Trophy, this annual Young Māori competition rotates across dairy, sheep & beef and horticulture every three years.

For the latest information on the Ahuwhenua Young Māori Award, visit the Ahuwhenua Trophy website

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