Cyclone Gabrielle Māori Communities Response Fund

In 2023, Te Puni Kōkiri provided $9 million in funds for rapid assistance to marae and hapori Māori affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. The Fund was intended to be flexible and agile in addressing the varying needs of different marae and communities. The funds were fully committed across 95 contracts. The Fund closed June 2023.

The primary focus was on marae and hapori which were directly affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. These communities are mostly located in Ikaroa-Rāwhiti, Waikato-Waiariki (Coromandel), Te Tai Tokerau and Tāmaki-Makaurau.

Last updated: Tuesday, 16 July 2024 | Rātū, 16 Hōngongoi, 2024

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Fund overview

On 28 February 2023, a funding package of $15 million to support the Māori response to Cyclone Gabrielle was announced.

$9 million of this funding was distributed through Te Puni Kōkiri, $3 million through Whānau Ora commissioning agencies and $3 million through Te Arawhiti.

The $9m Te Puni Kōkiri fund was called the Cyclone Gabrielle Māori Communities Response Fund. It was to provide rapid assistance to marae and hapori Māori affected by Cyclone Gabrielle. This was an interim, time-limited, immediate investment to support whānau Māori with their response and recovery.

There were three priority areas for this funding:

  • Capability and capacity
  • Planning and co-ordination infrastructure
  • Cultural infrastructure.

Iwi, hapū, marae, trusts, incorporations, and other Māori organisations/providers were eligible.

Experienced kaitono with strong community connections and proven capacity and capability to quickly deliver to marae and hapori located in affected areas were encouraged to apply.

Funding Investments

As at 16 June 2023, $9m was invested across 95 agreements. 

These investments are included in the 2022/23 List of Investment Recipients available on our website here.