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The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

An introduction to Oranga Marae

  • Published: 09 May 2018

This booklet is an introduction to Oranga Marae. Oranga Marae provides advice and practical support to develop marae, whānau, hapū and iwi.

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Got an idea to boost the Māori economy? Apply for funding now.

  • Date: 02 May 2018

People with bold, innovative ideas for Māori economic development can apply to the He kai kei aku ringa Fund. 

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New interim Māori Warden Warranting process ensures consistency throughout the motu

  • Date: 27 April 2018

Mā whero mā pango ka oti ai te mahi

With red and black the work will be complete

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Auckland tamariki are growing confidence and learning about healthy living through dance

  • Date: 24 April 2018

Lleuarne Panoho spends her week dancing with tamariki from lower decile Auckland schools and it is making a difference to their confidence, self-identity and well-being.

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New papakāinga supports whānau displaced by the Edgecumbe floods

  • Date: 20 April 2018

“I am proud to able to support this papakāinga project. We are focused on better working with communities, government agencies and local authorities to support the aspirations of iwi and rōpū Māori," says Chief Executive Regional Partnerships, Di Grennell regarding the opening of a new papakāinga for whānau displaced by the Edgecumbe floods. 

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Civil Defence Marae Emergency Preparedness Plan 2017

  • Published: 06 April 2018

This toolkit is designed to help marae be as prepared as possible in the event of a natural disaster or emergency. It encourages whānau, hapū and iwi to think about the possible impacts of a number of natural disasters, and to recognise who are the key people and skilled people that could be called upon in the event of an emergency. It is a straightforward and useful tool for marae communities across the country.

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Pacific Training Workshop: An opportunity for indigenous collaboration

  • Date: 03 April 2018

"We are looking for people with an interest in influencing international decisions on the environment; and joining a network of indigenous environmental monitors", says Tui Shortland, co-host of the Pacific Regional Training workshop on traditional knowledge.

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Future Demographic Trends for Māori – Part Two

  • Published: 23 March 2018

Future Demographic Trends for Māori – Part Two is the second in a series of three reports by Te Puni Kōkiri which collate a range of baseline population statistics, trends and projections for Māori.

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Taiohi Ararau | Passport to Life Launched

  • Date: 21 March 2018

Minister Willie Jackson says it is important we ensure all rangatahi can engage on a pathway to employment, skills development and further opportunities. 

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New office helps Te Puni Kōkiri serve more Māori communities

  • Date: 19 March 2018

Te Puni Kōkiri is opening its new Te Upoko o Te Ika office in Porirua today, where it can serve more whānau in Te Tai Hauāuru, says regional manager Willis Katene.

“We are so pleased to be opening a modern, new office in a vibrant and thriving hub like Porirua – in the heart of Te Upoko o te Ika,” she says.

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Te Pūtake o Te Riri national commemoration important to us all

  • Date: 09 March 2018

Te Puni Kōkiri Acting Chief Executive, Di Grennell, says the first national commemoration of the wars and conflicts in New Zealand is an important milestone for the nation.

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E tipu, e rea: A garden for growing and uniting

  • Date: 08 March 2018

“Running our māra has been a great experience but I didn’t know a thing about gardening to save myself when I started,” Larissa Cox-Winiata remembers the early days of a māra kai that is now flourishing on the grounds of an Ōtautahi school.

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Te Puni Kōkiri pays tribute to wāhine who fought for the vote

  • Date: 07 March 2018

Te Puni Kōkiri Acting Chief Executive, Di Grennell, says it is important to acknowledge the contribution and influence of Māori women in the suffrage movement.

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New housing development builds community spirit

  • Date: 02 March 2018

A new marae based housing development in Christchurch is about building communities as much as building houses says Te Puni Kōkiri Regional Manager, Te Waipounamu, David Ormsby.

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Regional Manager keen to support all Māori in Te Waipounamu

  • Date: 01 March 2018

David Ormsby manages an agile and well-networked team that looks after the largest of the six Te Puni Kōkiri regions – Te Waipounamu. He reflects on being the Regional Manager since 2003 at the Ministry for Māori Development in the South Island.

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Evaluation of the Governance Training Trial

  • Published: 01 March 2018

This report outlines key findings and recommendations from the evaluation of the 2016 governance training trial. The training was developed because governance skills, strategic planning, and financial literacy are becoming increasingly necessary for Iwi to undertake their responsibilities within a pre- and post-Treaty settlement environment.

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Registrations open for World Indigenous Business Forum in Rotorua

  • Date: 26 February 2018

Māori business leaders are encouraged to sign up for the 9th annual World Indigenous Business Forum as Rotorua gears up to host the international event.

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Waikato Region Maaori Economic Action Plan and Agenda

  • Published: 23 February 2018

A Short-term Action Plan and a Long-term Economic Agenda for Maaori in the Waikato Region to work together intended to lift the economic performance of Maaori, and the economies of the Waikato and New Zealand in the process.

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Te Puni Kōkiri commends Council’s te reo Māori commitment

  • Date: 20 February 2018

“I applaud Wellington City Council on its goal to make the Capital city, a te reo Māori city. Most people in the world, and certainly in the globe’s capital cities, speak at least two languages. We can do it too,” says Te Puni Kōkiri Chief Executive Michelle Hippolite.

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Premier of documentary on Bros for Change

  • Date: 19 February 2018

A new documentary showcases the journey of eight male rangatahi on their journey to self-discovery, through the unique initiative 'Bros for Change' in Te Waipounamu. 

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Thriving in an authentic Māori learning environment

  • Date: 19 February 2018

The aim of Te Pā o Rākaihautū is to nurture the whole person; a-tīnana, a-hinengaro, a-wairua, a-whānau so that they stand with strength, pride, passion and purpose.

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Marae tell their own stories through virtual reality

  • Date: 16 February 2018

Iwi, hapū and Māori communities throughout the country are taking up the unique opportunity to carry out 3D scanning and point cloud visualisations of taonga tūturu and marae.

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A "magical wairua" at Ngāpuhi festival

  • Date: 16 February 2018

“The wairua was magical, there were lots of kids running around with their faces painted, eating ice cream and playing on the giant water slide,” says Kayla Hollis, who was one of 15,000 people that attended the Ngāpuhi Festival in Whangarei in January.

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Sitting down for a cuppa tea with the Prime Minister

  • Date: 16 February 2018

Everyone enjoys sitting down for a chat with friends and whānau over a nice cuppa tea including Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who did so with a group of Māori Wardens at Waitangi.

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Waitangi Day sets good tone for future

  • Date: 16 February 2018

Waitangi Day commemorations are taking place in more and more communities, as more people consider the history of Aotearoa-New Zealand and the way it shapes our future.

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