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The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

Art and sisterhood bring Soul Sistas together for Matariki celebrations

  • Date: 14 August 2019

Sisters both in spirit and by birth have joined together to celebrate Matariki in the Soul Sistas exhibition at the Arts in Oxford Gallery , North Canterbury.

Of the nine wāhine Māori artists there are three pairs of sisters, however there is an undeniable bond of sisterhood which unites them all.

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Matariki celebrated by Ōtautahi community at Rehua Marae

  • Date: 14 August 2019

Whānau and community joined together recently to enjoy a week-long celebration of Matariki at Rehua Marae in Ōtautahi.

The focus of the celebrations was a Whānau Day attended by more than 600 whānau and members of the community which got underway with a whakatau and karakia.

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Housing improvements keep whānau warm and provide independence in Invercargill

  • Date: 14 August 2019

Myra Clarke is warm, dry and safe living in her small two bedroom Invercargill home thanks to improvements from the Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Housing Network and local provider, Awarua Synergy.


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Murihiku Kohanga and Kura celebrate Matariki

  • Date: 13 August 2019

Matariki has brought the kohanga reo of Murihiku, Gore and Mataura together with the region’s only kura kaupapa for the first time.

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Introduction to the Whenua Māori Fund Update January 2019

  • Published: 13 August 2019

This brochure provides you with all the information you need to know about the Whenua Māori Fund including the purpose of the fund, application criteria and how to apply.

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The Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) Advisory Note

  • Published: 12 August 2019

Advisory Note dated 14 July 2019 from the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, The Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) on the Country Engagement Mission (8 – 13 April 2019) – New Zealand

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Growing Māori wahine leaders

  • Date: 07 August 2019

I was part way through my diploma studying civil engineering and I felt I needed practical experience.

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Te Ara Whanake programme changed me

  • Date: 07 August 2019

I want others to be inspired by my journey, to go for it, and not be hesitant or let fear get in their way.

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Resilience and sacrifice behind papakāinga build in Taupiri

  • Date: 31 July 2019

“Punakai had to sell his Harley and we had to move in with my parents. Building has been such a long, drawn out process, and we’ve had heaps of setbacks. But finally, after two years, we are in our own whare, on the whānau block behind the marae, ready to start our new life with our babies.”
- Sally Waikai, Homeowner

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Maori Housing Supply and Demand in Te Tai Tokerau

  • Published: 30 July 2019

Te Puni Kōkiri, Ministry of Social Development and Housing New Zealand commissioned research, a set of four reports to provide comprehensive baseline data and a fifth report that summarises the key findings, to look at the Māori housing supply and demand in Te Tai Tokerau.

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Overseas travel: Hon Nanaia Mahuta – North America

  • Published: 29 July 2019

These documents report on the Minister’s travel to North America.

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Ngāti Ruapani - Draft Deed of Mandate

  • Date: 27 July 2019

Te Arawhiti - The Office for Māori Crown Relations invites submissions on the Ngāti Ruapani mai Waikaremoana Negotiating Group’s draft deed of mandate to negotiate the settlement of the historical Treaty claims of Ngāti Ruapani.

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Bends of the awa bring regional manager Nancy Tuaine home

  • Date: 23 July 2019

E rere kau ana ngā tikanga o ōku tipuna i rō i ngā riporipo, i ngā ngaru o te awa o Whanganui.

Nancy Tuaine has been warmly welcomed home by iwi and hapū as she assumes her role as Te Puni Kōkiri Regional Manager for Te Tai Hauāuru.

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Waikato whānau living their best life

  • Date: 16 July 2019

Warmer, dryer, more efficient homes enable better life outcomes for ten whānau across the Waikato. We feature two of the whānau here.

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Māori Wardens supporting rangatahi to access higher education

  • Date: 09 July 2019

Nearly a third of youth aged 15-24 not in education, employment or training are Māori. That includes 7,400 rangatahi Māori in the Waikato-Waiariki region. Katikati Māori Wardens are supporting local rangatahi on their learning pathway.

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Boost for marae at the centre of communities

  • Date: 05 July 2019

Marae around the country will benefit from boosted initiatives to upgrade their buildings, bolster their emergency kits and expand their work to preserve Māori culture, Minister for Māori Development Nanaia Mahuta said.

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The whisper of hope: repairing whare, restoring hauora

  • Date: 28 June 2019

Warmer, drier homes enable better health outcomes for whānau in Te Tai Tokerau. We feature one of the whānau and the Ngātiwai community service provider.

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Te Ture Whenua Maori (Succession, Dispute Resolution and Related Matters) Amendment Bill

  • Published: 20 June 2019

This Cabinet paper responds to Cabinet’s invitation to provide options for realising opportunities for Māori land.

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Positioning Te Puni Kōkiri for Strategic Impact

  • Published: 18 June 2019

These documents relate to Cabinet’s agreement on the positioning of Te Puni Kōkiri for Strategic Impact.

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Ngāti Rangatahi Whanaunga Association - Draft Mandate Strategy

  • Date: 15 June 2019

The Office for Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti invites submissions on the Ngāti Rangatahi Whanaunga Association’s (the Association) draft mandate strategy.

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Te Taitimu Trust BIG CAMP 2019

  • Date: 14 June 2019

Sixty rangatahi from around the Hawke's Bay took part in a 5-day journey which included rowing 400kms down the Whanganui river being guided by Whanganui whanau and staying on their ancestral lands.

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Te Puni Kōkiri's Monitoring Function - Improving State Sector Performance

  • Published: 14 June 2019

These documents sought Cabinet’s agreement on the refreshed monitoring function of Te Puni Kōkiri and updated forward work programme.

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Māori Housing in the spotlight at housing awards

  • Date: 11 June 2019

The Te Puni Kōkiri Māori Housing Network was acknowledged at the recent Australasian Housing Institute Professional Excellence in Housing Awards where two Te Puni Kōkiri led initiatives won top awards.

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Proposed Overseas Travel – North America

  • Published: 07 June 2019

These documents relate to Cabinet's agreement with regard to travel to North America.

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Whānau housing repairs lead to intergenerational wellbeing

  • Date: 05 June 2019

Four generations of the same whānau live in Karen and Moke’s two-bedroom whare.

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