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The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

Living in Papakāinga benefits whānau during COVID-19

  • Date: 12 May 2020

After the experience of the last few months, Hinewai Ormsby is more convinced than ever of the holistic benefits to Māori of living on their whenua and being closely connected to whānau

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Being whānau in a changing world

  • Date: 08 May 2020

When the Turner whānau (Waikato, Ngāti Aamaru) moved into their papakāinga in 2017 they didn’t imagine it would become their sanctuary and lifeline during a pandemic.

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Continued vigilance to keep kaumātua safe as alert levels drop

  • Date: 07 May 2020

Hamilton’s Rauawawa Kaumātua Charitable Trust (Rauawaawa) will continue their new ‘Covid world’ way of supporting kaumatua until Alert Level 1 because of how vulnerable elderly are to the virus and some are anxious about leaving their bubble too early.

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As long as people keeping ringing us up, we’ll keep on going

  • Date: 07 May 2020

These are the words of Teone Te Rangi (Rongomaiwahine) who has been working with his team of 12 from the Flaxmere Māori Wardens over the past six weeks to assist their region respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Ahuriri Māori Wardens providing support to their region

  • Date: 07 May 2020

As part of a collaborative effort between Te Kupenga Hauora (NGO), Te Tai Whenua o Whanganui o Rotu, Takitumu Seafoods, Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Ltd the Ahuriri Māori Wardens have been out in the community supporting local whānau in the region.

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Tairāwhiti Māori Wardens support during Covid-19 pandemic

  • Date: 07 May 2020

Like most Māori Wardens across the motu, Tairāwhiti mobilised together to see what support they could provide during the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Helping kaumātua in need

  • Date: 07 May 2020

Māori Wardens are often associated with manaaki and have been a strong presence amongst our communities right across Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Law changes for businesses and Māori governance entities

  • Date: 05 May 2020

Proposed new laws will support Māori businesses and a range of Māori governance entities to manage the immediate impacts of COVID-19.

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Whenua Māori – responding to COVID-19

  • Date: 05 May 2020

This is the first of three reports into COVID-19 impacts on, and risks and opportunities to, the Māori economy and Māori land-based sectors. The reports have been commissioned by Te Puni Kōkiri to support whenua businesses through COVID-19.

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Moving forward together

  • Date: 30 April 2020

Te Kahu o Taonui, Te Tai Tokerau Iwi Collective, has played a vital role in supporting local whānau and communities during the COVID-19 crisis. Its ongoing influence will be critical as Northland enters the recovery phase.

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Whānau and rangatahi in Ōtautahi show their strength

  • Date: 30 April 2020

From helping a whānau to plan their mother’s tangi, to advocating for a solo Dad raising his teens, Te Ora Hou kaimahi are doing whatever it takes to make sure rangatahi and their whānau emerge from the COVID-19 crisis safe, well and supported.

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Piritahi Tātou – coming together for Waiheke Island whānau

  • Date: 30 April 2020

When ten Waiheke Island residents suddenly found themselves homeless as Level 4 lockdown closed in, marae-based Piritahi Hau Ora was immediately by their sides.

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Lifting the morale of Waikato rangatahi Māori in uncertain times

  • Date: 30 April 2020

Waikato rangatahi group Koroī wanted to support other young Māori through the isolation of COVID-19 so they put some of their own humble budget towards local initiatives.

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Lifeline provided to homeless and struggling whānau in lockdown

  • Date: 24 April 2020

Homelessness, affording newborn baby supplies or struggling to pay for power are some of the issues keeping Ngāti Kahungunu Whānau Services flat out supporting Wellington’s most vulnerable during COVID-19.

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Time, team and tenderness in Tāmaki Makaurau

  • Date: 16 April 2020

As Aotearoa ground to a halt in week one of lockdown, three Ngāpuhi women in Auckland were firing on all cylinders – co-ordinating kai packs, training volunteers, massaging networks and making phone call after phone call.

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The power of orange

  • Date: 16 April 2020

You get the impression that Sheridan Waitai would do whatever it takes to protect her Muriwhenua Tika whānau from getting infected with Covid-19.

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Overcoming COVID-19 barriers to get food to Mōtītī Island hapū

  • Date: 16 April 2020

When New Zealand went into COVID-19 shutdown the people living on Mōtītī Island, 10km’s off the Tauranga coast, were cut off from food and generator fuel supply.

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Reaching whānau on air and on the ground during the pandemic

  • Date: 16 April 2020

Atiawa Toa FM staff never doubted their radio station should stay on-air to support their communities through COVID-19 when the nation went into lockdown.

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Supporting the stay at home kaupapa: kaitiaki for te pakeke

  • Date: 16 April 2020

Working with iwi and Turanga Health, Pania King, Principal Advisor Whenua Māori, was on the road last week delivering kai and hygiene packs to more than 75 kaumatua and whānau in need of assistance in the Motu-Matawai rohe in Gisborne.

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Koha Kai Community Meals - Murihiku

  • Date: 16 April 2020

“When this all started we were just excited to be doing something ‘cool’ and positive to help” says Founder of Koha Kai, Janice Lee, “but as the week went on, the work and the people, brought a sobering realisation.

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Taking stock of the risks – how a whānau is managing self-isolation in its Papakāinga

  • Date: 16 April 2020

Hinewai Ormsby and her whānau started planning for the Covid-19 Level 4 lockdown well before it was announced. As a Hawkes Bay regional councillor Hinewai was familiar with the vital role of the council in managing civil defence emergencies like the pandemic.

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The beating heart of Te Arawa shows a model of collaboration

  • Date: 09 April 2020

“Whānau aroha” has been the driver behind Te Arawa Covid-19 response hub according to head of Planning and Operations, Karen Vercoe. 

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Whānau online during lockdown – thanks to earlier support

  • Date: 08 April 2020

Improved wireless connectivity for 25 homes in rural Pōhara near Cambridge has ended up being a lifeline for whānau during the COVID-19 lockdown.

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Tips for whānau - staying safe while getting out

  • Date: 25 March 2020

If you and your whānau are at home, here are some tips on how to survive yourself and how to survive each other.

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Te Pūtake o te Riri Funding

  • Date: 23 March 2020

An update on Te Pūtake o te Riri Funding and its response to COVID-19.

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