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The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

Cadetships: Supporting forestry workers back into the ngahere

  • Date: 28 February 2022

Gisborne contractors Gavin and Chrystal Edmonds are helping forestry workers not only recover from drug addictions, but they're also supporting them back into work.

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Ka kite anō to our summer interns

  • Date: 25 February 2022

As raumati draws to a close and the University year starts back, our interns are preparing to depart from beneath the korowai of Te Puni Kōkiri.

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Omicron: Whānau planning with Karawhiua

  • Date: 23 February 2022

Ka ora pea au i a koe, ka ora koe i a au. Perhaps I survive because of you and you because of me.

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Kura Kaupapa Māori keeping their West Auckland community safe

  • Date: 23 February 2022

Kaimahi from Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae have been putting in the hard yards to protect their community against COVID-19.

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Extra government support for Māori and Pacific Omicron response

  • Date: 22 February 2022

Extra support is being made available to Māori and Pacific communities as they continue to face the impact of the current Omicron outbreak.

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Supporting more Māori into quality mahi

  • Date: 21 February 2022

Growing the economy and getting more Māori into employment, education and training are at the heart of the Government’s new Māori Employment Action Plan.

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NZDF and Te Puni Kōkiri welcome new Māori staff into the public sector

  • Date: 17 February 2022

Māori contribute significantly to the New Zealand Defence Force but what happens to them and all the leaders skills they possess once they decide to leave? And what can Māoridom do to use their skills?

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Papakāinga projects underway in Reporoa

  • Date: 14 February 2022

The Government is supporting a new papakāinga development in the rural community of Reporoa.

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$15.7 million allocated in latest Māori Communities COVID-19 Fund tranche

  • Date: 11 February 2022

A further 12 proposals totalling $15.7 million have been approved by Ministers through the Māori Communities COVID-19 Fund (MCCF) to build resilience and continue to support vaccination uptake.

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COVID-19 Response: Responding to Community need through Whānau Ora Commissioning Agencies and Iwi Connections

  • Published: 02 February 2022

These documents sought approval for funding from the COVID-19 Response and Resilience Fund to support the work of Whānau Ora providers and Iwi to meet the increased whānau and community need for immediate support and services in response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 Delta variant.

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Progressive Home Ownership helps Taranaki whānau buy first home

  • Date: 31 January 2022

Last year, Vicki and Dean Wall bought their first home in Ōpunake, a whare they had been renting for the past 13 years.

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Ngā Ara Whakatupuranga | Strengthening Māori leadership in the public service

  • Date: 20 January 2022

Te Puni Kōkiri and Te Ope Kātua (NZDF) have joined forces for a second year to tautoko their service personnel as they shed the uniform for civilian life.

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Expressions of Interest for Judge of the Māori Land Court appointment 2022

  • Date: 11 January 2022

On behalf of the Minister, Te Puni Kōkiri seek expressions of interest for position of Judge of the Māori Land Court. The location of the position has not yet been decided and will be confirmed as part of this process.

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Preparing for Omicron in Te Tau Ihu (top of the South Island)

  • Date: 22 December 2021

“When Omicron hits, we will need to be ready to support our whānau in the community,” says Dr Lorraine Eade, operations manager at Te Kotahi o Te Tauihu Charitable Trust which covers the Nelson, Marlborough, and Tasman region.

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Māori Purposes Bill: Approval for Introduction

  • Published: 20 December 2021

These documents sought Cabinet’s agreement for the introduction of the Māori Purposes Bill

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Locals invited to Haumaru Hard Ōtara Celebration

  • Date: 15 December 2021

A competition launched last month for Ōtara rangatahi is set to showcase the winning slogan, image and waiata this Saturday December 18 in a bid to celebrate local pride and engage taitamariki. The Haumaru Hard Ōtara competition asked for creative expressions of how tikanga Māori connects with vaccination.

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Waikato land owners have big dreams for their whenua Māori

  • Date: 15 December 2021

Nestled in the Waikato foothills of Waitetuna, sits Aramiro Ahu Whenua Trust, who are looking to develop their ancestral lands into an agricultural enterprise in the hopes to own their supply chain.

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Biggest intake of Māori advertising and design panellists announced

  • Date: 15 December 2021

Twelve Māori or Pasifika businesses were announced on the All of Government (AoG) panel for advertising and design service contracts last week. The group is the biggest intake of Māori or Pasifika owned businesses to those two panels.

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Double celebration for Māori financial tech company

  • Date: 10 December 2021

Māori digital payments company BlinkPay is celebrating two major achievements.

It has just become the first Māori financial technology company awarded ISO 27001 Security certification and has also signed its first Application Programming Interface (API) bilateral agreement, with Bank of New Zealand.

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Tauira salute vaccinated homeless

  • Date: 10 December 2021

Increasing vaccination rates for whānau experiencing homelessness in Ōtautahi has been the focus of the Christchurch Collective for the Homeless Charitable Trust founder and Programme Co-ordinator, Brenda Lowe-Johnson, over the past three months.


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Vax Vegas – It's your choice, coz you're choice!

  • Date: 09 December 2021

Rangatahi insights and knowledge have been key to the success of the Vax Vegas campaign.

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Out of kōrero comes understanding – the power of iwi radio

  • Date: 09 December 2021

Māori Development Minister Willie Jackson recently described iwi radio kaimahi as the “unsung heroes” of the drive to promote good information about the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Māori landowners band together for collective impact

  • Date: 08 December 2021

The rohe of Harataunga lies on the eastern tip of the Coromandel Peninsula and is largely home to Ngāti Porou ki Harataunga ngā Hapū e Toru.

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Getting the South Island vaccinated

  • Date: 03 December 2021

Te Waipounamu kaimahi are working hard to help Māori get immunised.

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