Whānau Development Summit 2019

Te Puni Kōkiri will be hosting the Whānau Development Summit at Te Papa in Wellington on the 25th of March 2019.

The Whānau Development Summit is a forum that Te Puni Kōkiri has created to promote whānau development investment and whānau centred policy across the public and philanthropic sectors.  In this respect it is sponsored jointly by the Minister of Māori Development and the Minister of Whānau Ora.

Published: Friday, 22 March 2019 | Rāmere, 22 Poutūterangi, 2019

CE for Te Puni Kōkiri, Michelle Hippolite says, “There are over 220 participants attending from a range of government, non-government and philanthropic organisations.”

The Summit is underpinned by four themes and workshops – to realise, mobilise, activate and stimulate engagement in Whānau Development.  Each workshop covers a different aspect of the whānau development work. 

Erena Mikaere is the keynote speaker, from the Ruapehu Whānau Transformation Project.  The project is a great example of the strength of community to drive transformational change for whānau. 

“I want Summit participants to reflect on what we can do to replicate these characteristics in our work across the public sector and alongside the philanthropic sector.”

The Turner whānau from Ngaruawahia, will also present at the Summit.  Their first interaction with Te Puni Kōkiri was in the first phase of Whānau Ora where they developed what was known then as a WII plan – Whānau Integration and Innovation plan.  Since then they have built a nine bedroom papakāinga on their own whenua, with plans to build more.  They have started a successful mussel fritter business, recently purchasing a food truck and have even more exciting plans in the pipe-line.   

“Other workshops will discuss measuring success and evaluation models, how to develop a whānau centred approach and how services and organisations collaborate with whānau in whānau-led development.”

Whānau Ora Commissioning Agencies will also share insights about how they support whānau development in the regions. 

The Minister for Māori Development, Nanaia Mahuta will open the Summit and Minister for Whānau Ora, Peeni Henare will close the day’s proceedings.




Media enquiries: Debra Jensen | 021 332 627 | jensd@tpk.govt.nz