‘Measuring what matters for Whānau’ is the theme of the 2016 Whānau Ora Conference, hosted by Te Pou Matakana, the North Island commissioning agency.
Published: Tuesday, 5 July 2016 | Rātū, 05 Hōngongoi, 2016
Whānau stories will be at the centre of Te Pou Matakana’s Whānau Ora Conference to be held in Auckland on the 11th & 12th of July in Auckland. Whānau Ora partners will come together to acknowledge the journey so far, celebrate success, and create inspirational pathways forward. Whānau have shared their experiences with Whānau Ora, knowing their aspirations and successes will guide important kōrero at this two day event.
The conference is also aimed at government agencies and others interested in keeping up to date with Whānau Ora and Te Pou Matakana’s ‘Commissioning for Outcomes’ model. The key theme “Measuring what matters for Whānau, Kia tina ki runga, kia tāmore ki raro” is about delivering, measuring, analysing and communicating social change. This hui will provide an exciting opportunity to explore best practices in outcome measurement and the challenges and opportunites in the sector, always with a focus on what meaningful outcomes are for our whānau.
Keynote speakers include the Minister for Whānau Ora, Te Ururoa Flavell, Finance Minister Bill English, and international leaders on investing in Social value and outcomes measurement. Te Pou Matakana is proud of the way our partners work with our people, and look forward to a productive hui to inform and inspire the road ahead.
Ko ngā kōrero ā ngā whānau te iho matua o te hui taiopenga Whānau Ora e whakahaerehia nei e Te Pou Matakana ki Tāmaki Makaurau hei te 11 me te 12 o Hōngongoi. Ka rauhī mai ngā Ratonga Whānau Ora ki te matapaki i te ara kua takahia, ki te whakanui i ngā angitū, otirā, ki te waihanga i te ara ngangahu ka takahia ki anamata. Kua kōrero mai ngā whānau mō ō rātou wheako i raro i a Whānau Ora, me te mōhio iho, mā ā rātou kōrero e pā ana ki ō rātou moemoeā me ō rātou angitūtanga ngā kaupapa o te hui e arahi.
Tuia, e aronui ana te hui ki nga Ratonga Kāwanatanga me ngā rōpū e hihiko ana ki te mōhio ki ngā kōrero mō te pūnaha ‘Commissioning for Outcomes’ a Whānau Ora me Te Pou Matakana. Ko te tāhūhū kōrero e tāwharau ana i te hui, ko “Measuring what matters for Whānau, Kia tina ki runga, kia tāmore ki raro” arā, kia pono ō tātou whakaaro ki te waihanga kaupapa, ki te ine kaupapa, ki te wetewete kaupapa me te whakawhiti kōrero kia pai ake ai te noho a ō tātou whānau. Ka nanao atu tēnei hui ki ngā kaupapa e tino kounga ana i roto i nga mahi ine angitū, whakatau wero me te hōpara hua nui, engari, ko te aronga nui tonu kia whai hua ō tātou whānau.
Ko ngā manukura kōrero ko te Minita Whānau Ora, a Te Ururoa Flavell, te Minita i ngā Take Pūtea a Bill English, tae atu ki ngā māngai take pāpori, mātanga ine hua nō tāwāhi. E poho kererū ana a Te Pou Matakana ki te kaha o ana ratonga ki te mahi tahi ki ngā whānau, ā, e rikarika ana te ngākau kia tū tēnei hui, kia makuru mai rā ngā hua hei tohu i te ara whakamua.