Official Information Act responses about Funds

Response date Subject of the request Response
27/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri funding granted to Popup Business School Aotearoa Limited OIA response 48725 PDF (197KB)
26/06/2024 Documents relating to Te Puni Kōkiri funding agreements with Tekau Plus, Fomana or NZ Bio Forestry between 2008 and 2011 OIA response 48399 part 1 PDF (19.5MB) OIA response 48399 part 2 PDF (13.8MB) OIA response 48399 part 3 PDF (18.5MB)
13/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri funding granted to organisations based in Taranaki for the past five years OIA response 48685 PDF (958KB)
6/06/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri funding within the Ngāi Tahu takiwā for financial years 2022/23 and 2023/24 OIA response 48561 PDF (1.2MB)
21/05/2024 Funding granted to Taranaki Whānui Limited from 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2021 OIA response 48656 PDF (217KB)
16/04/2024 Te Puni Kōkiri funding of social services in Rāhui Pōkeka/Huntly in the past three years OIA response 48406 PDF (780KB)
15/03/2024 Whānau Direct funding for dental treatment in Tairāwhiti between 2013 – 2023 OIA response 48224 PDF (131KB)
12/03/2024 Contracts or funding within the Taupō district for the last three financial years OIA response 48187 PDF (680KB)
4/03/2024 Funding to Tūrangawaewae Marae or the Office of the Māori King in relation to hui held 20 January 2024 OIA response 48160 PDF (133KB)
4/03/2024 Funding provided to Strive 101 Limited OIA response 48143 PDF (101KB)
28/02/2024 Te Ringa Hāpai Whenua Fund recipients to 8 February 2024 OIA response 48172 PDF (265KB)
7/12/2023 Waiomatatini A5 land block, Porourangi Pā, Porourangi and Waiomatatini Marae funding OIA response 47881 PDF (2.5MB)
5/12/2023 Pīngao Estate Ahu Whenua Trust funding OIA response 47907 PDF (139KB)
8/11/2023 Oranga Marae funding since 2018 OIA response 47879 PDF (130KB)
12/10/2023 Whānau Ora funding and measuring outcomes for whānau Ngāi Tahu OIA response 47804 PDF (1,015KB)
17/01/2022 Services in Te Hiku Response letter PDF (2.2MB)
15/12/2021 Funding for Māori Health Needs Funding for Māori Health Needs PDF (5.1MB)
13/10/2021 Whānau Ora funding for Pasifika providers Whānau Ora funding for Pasifika providers PDF (334KB)
19/08/2021 Funding applications to Te Puni Kōkiri Response letter - funding PDF (233KB)
26/03/2021 Provincial Growth Fund Marae Renovations Response letter PDF (984KB)
13/03/2020 Oranga Marae - marae declined Technical Feasibility Funding Oranga Marae - marae declined Technical Feasibility Funding PDF (89KB)
5/03/2020 OIA response Oranga Marae funding Oranga Marae funding PDF (294KB)
11/11/2019 Māori Women’s Welfare League – funding tpk-oiaresponse-funding-mwwl-2019.pdf PDF (72KB)
20/02/2019 Māori Housing Networking Staffing and Budget OIA Response 20 February 2019 Maori Housing Network Staffing and Budget PDF (102KB)
11/02/2019 Papakāinga Housing OIA Response 11 February 2019 Papakāinga Housing PDF (108KB)
1/02/2018 Māori Housing Network funds approved OIA response 1 February 2018 Maori Housing Network funds approved PDF (893KB)
15/01/2018 Māori Digital Technology Fund applications and expenditure OIA response 15 January 2018 Māori Digital Technology Development Fund PDF (88KB)