We hope that by 2040 all whānau are thriving – on their own terms. What could the future for whānau and Māori communities look like in 2040? This is the question at the heart of the Long-term Insights Briefing.
Last updated: Wednesday, 15 January 2025 | Rāapa, 15 Kohitātea, 2025
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Long-term Insights Briefing
Looking ahead to make a difference
The Long-term Insights Briefing (LTIB) is intended to be a think piece on the future, providing information about medium to long term trends, risks and opportunities that may affect Māori living in Aotearoa. The Public Service Act 2020 requires all department chief executives to publish a LTIB at least once every three years.
The LTIB is an opportunity to enhance public conversations about long-term issues and to meaningfully contribute to future decision-making by governments. The Briefings will be tabled in Parliament by Ministers for public consideration.
As principal policy advisors to the Government on Māori wellbeing and development, Te Puni Kōkiri welcomes the opportunity provided by the Long-term Insights Briefing to demonstrate to policy makers how a Māori-led approach to wellbeing can produce better outcomes for Māori, and for all people, in Aotearoa New Zealand.
What we know
What we know, and have the data to demonstrate, is that, despite significant investments and programmes implemented by governments over the last several decades, there continue to be challenges faced by Māori whānau across a range of areas that impact on their wellbeing.
Through our futures modelling, it is predicted that in 20 years’ time these challenges will continue unless there is a shift in the policies, services and investments implemented by government to support whānau.
Our Long-term Insights Briefing aims to present the government with an evidence-based picture of what it will take to position whānau and Māori to be thriving by 2040 on the terms that whānau identify and set for themselves. This evidence-base will draw on both the quantitative system data and what we learn from the people we are speaking with as part of our engagement process.
Evidence Brief
This Evidence Brief supports the development of our LTIB.
It summarises the quantitative data on Māori wellbeing currently available in the government’s reporting system. We used this data to unpack the ten wellbeing domains and associated indicators we identified to help describe how whānau could be thriving in 2040. It is a snapshot of the present circumstances for Māori, as reported by the available data.
It provides a narrative for each indicator to explain what the data shows, however it does not explain the reasons why the data shows what it does. The majority of data used is publicly available. The data used and the domains and indicators identified are not intended to be seen as the only ways to measure whānau wellbeing. The data available at a whānau-level is limited, and we know that how whānau measure wellbeing varies from person to person and whānau to whānau. It is our aim to discuss this issue in the Long-term Insights Briefing.
Download the Evidence Brief 2023 [PDF 1.5MB]
The Briefing
View our Long-term Insights Briefing 2023 here.