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Building Relationships for Effective Engagement with Māori

  • Published: 01 January 2006

Explains how and why to engage with Māori as part of a policy process. 2 pages.

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Attitudes Toward The Māori Language

  • Published: 08 November 2007

Summarises results from the three Surveys of Attitudes Towards the Māori Language. Bilingual. 8 pages.

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Annual Report for the Year Ended 30 June 2007

  • Published: 17 October 2007

Economic transformation, strengthening national identity, and families young and old are current strategic priorities. Key enablers of realising Māori Potential are: Building knowledge and skills (Mātauranga); Strengthening leadership and decision-making (Whakamana); and Development and use of resources (Rawa). This report shows the wide range of initiatives undertaken in 2006/2007. 108 pages.

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Statement of Intent 2007-2010

  • Published: 16 October 2007

The Statement of Intent is a high level document, which provides transparent information to Parliament and the New Zealand public about how Te Puni Kōkiri intends to manage for outcomes and outputs. It includes information about outcomes, outputs and capabilities.

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