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Tē tōia, tē haumatia

  • Date: 07 May 2015

Tēnā koutou

As many of you are aware Whānau Ora is high profile mahi of Te Puni Kōkiri, and two reports in the space of a week has put this innovative approach to providing social services to whānau and families in the spotlight.


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Is tax taking too much of your time?

  • Date: 07 May 2015

At a time when you can use your cell phone to order a movie or buy a plane ticket the Government thinks that Inland Revenue can do much more to make your tax simpler.

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Share your views about the content of the next census

  • Date: 07 May 2015

For the first time, New Zealanders are being encouraged to go online to say what they think should be asked in the next census, with a new online discussion forum on www.stats.govt.nz

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Get ready for the big NZ ShakeOut

  • Date: 07 May 2015

The recent earthquake in Nepal, and a few shakes here at home, remind us we must be mindful to the reality that we live astride a fault-line.

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New website The Hub for information

  • Date: 07 May 2015

The Social Policy Evaluation and Research Unit (Superu), formerly the Families Commission, recently launched The Hub.

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Committing to more te reo Māori on waves

  • Date: 07 May 2015

It’s been a long journey for the Sea92 radio station to transition from a community radio station – going for eight years – into a fully-fledged regional iwi radio station that will transmit airwaves across the Bay of Plenty region.

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Te Matatini 2017 preparations begin – dates announced

  • Date: 07 May 2015

Te Matatini National Kapa Haka Festival 2017 will be held 22-26 February 2017 in Takitimu.

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Maungarongo ki runga i te whenua: from swords to ploughshares

  • Date: 06 May 2015

The Ngā Tapuwae o te Kāhui Maunga (the footsteps of the ancestors) – the gardens at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park draws together the shared heritage and unified futures of New Zealanders.

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New resources tells stories of Waikato-Maniapoto veterans journey

  • Date: 06 May 2015

There is a common perception that Waikato and Maniapoto refused service when New Zealand joined the war effort of 1914 – when in fact many young men signed up.

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Hautū – Boards of Trustees leading Māori education success

  • Date: 06 May 2015

Board of Trustees can now plan and assess their education aspirations for Māori in their communities, using a new tool Hautū.

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Young Māori scholars: tū rangatira, stand strong, tall and proud

  • Date: 06 May 2015

Five young Māori – honouring the contribution of their tipuna to the Gallipoli campaign, and displaying characteristics consistent with the 28th Māori Battalion soldiers – received scholarships for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral study.

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Whānau Ora – social service innovation

  • Date: 05 May 2015

Last week the New Zealand Productivity Commission released their report, “More Effective Social Services” which includes a case study about Whānau Ora. Today the Office of the Auditor General (OAG) tabled their Whānau Ora report in Parliament.

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Powerful and exciting programme for the Māori Economy

  • Date: 22 April 2015

Callaghan Innovation has announced the final programme for their Māori Economy Inspire event, which includes attendance from world leaders in innovation from Standford University.

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Celebrating Māori writers

  • Date: 22 April 2015

Photo caption: Executive Directors and owners of Huia Publishers, Brian Morris (far right) and Eboni Waitere (second from right), are ardent advocates and supporters of Māori literature and Māori authors. Huia Publishers have been telling and publishing Māori stories for almost 24 years.

As well as being an award-winning publisher, Huia initiated the Pikihuia Awards for Māori writers to celebrate and develop Māori writing and to showcase Māori literature.  The 11th Pikihuia Awards are now open and close on 31 May 2015. 

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Kei wareware tātou - he haerenga whakahōnore.

  • Date: 22 April 2015

This Anzac Day will mark a hundred years since New Zealand troops first descended upon Gallipoli, Turkey in World War 1.

Deputy Chief Executive Fiona McBeath will be among the two thousand New Zealand strong delegation to attend the Anzac commemorations on April 25.

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"A person with tikanga and values, takes their responsibilities seriously"

  • Date: 22 April 2015

Mere has been a public servant all of her working career with the last 23 years as Te Puni Kōkiri Regional Manager for Ikaroa-Rāwhiti. Although being a public servant wasn’t her first career choice.

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He Toa Takitini - Servant Leadership

  • Date: 22 April 2015

When talking with Tui Marsh, Te Puni Kōkiri Regional Manager for Te Tai Tokerau, you quickly get the sense that her life has always been dedicated to giving back to our people.

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Kei Wareware Tātou. Lest We Forget.

  • Date: 22 April 2015

We remember the fallen of World War I. The New Zealand Government developed a programme to mark the First World War centenary from 2014-2018. The WW100 programme aims to foster appreciation and remembrance of how the First World War affected our nation and its place in the world both at the time and beyond.

Just over 100,000 New Zealanders served overseas, from a population then of barely one million. Of those, more than 18,000 died and over 40,000 were wounded. Most were young men, and nearly one in five who served did not return.

The events of 1914-1918 affected more than those who served overseas – they touched nearly every New Zealand family, every community, school, and workplace. In nearly every New Zealand community, large or small, have a memorial marking the First World War. In many marae and dining halls a Roll of Honour reminds us all of the contribution of Ngāi Māori to the war effort.

First World War Centenary Panel member Dr Monty Soutar, historian and author of Ngā Tama Toa: The Price of Citizenship reflects on the events which led to the establishment of the Māori Contingent/Te Hokowhitu-a-Tū and offers some whakaaro that we might bear in mind as we look ahead and beyond the centenary programme.

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Upload your pānui and events to Rauika for free

  • Date: 22 April 2015

You can post information about events in your community and pānui for free to Rauika. It costs nothing but five minutes of your time to upload your information.

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Tukutuku weaves Ngāi Māori into world's tapestry

  • Date: 22 April 2015

Tēnā tātou katoa,

I am thrilled that some of the tukutuku panels that were created for the UN Headquarters in New York now grace the walls in our parliamentary complex.

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Mai i te Toihautū

  • Date: 22 April 2015

This Anzac Day, New Zealanders both here at home and overseas will honour the service and sacrifice of those who fought, and we will also tell the stories of the great majority of people who remained at home. This year, we will continue to mark the First World War centenary, reflecting on how WWI affected our nation and our sense of identity.

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Make sure you're in the loop

  • Date: 19 March 2015

Te Puni Kōkiri produces daily and monthly online news services: subscribe and receive regular news about Māori development; follow our updates on Facebook, and; promote your initiatives and events FOR FREE on Rauika, our online events calendar.

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Kōrero on Careers

  • Date: 19 March 2015

Careers New Zealand will use the Tairāwhiti Careers expo in Gisborne later this month to help whānau have better conversation with their rangatahi about careers.

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There’s an app for that – connect with your Whanganui Iwi

  • Date: 19 March 2015

Five Whanganui rangatahi worked together creating an app helping their Whanganui iwi to connect and share what they’re up to.

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Iwi Working Group 2015 Review Hui

  • Date: 19 March 2015

The 2015 Review of the Māori Fisheries Settlement Structures was completed earlier this month.

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