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The latest stories, notices, publications, and other news from across our website.

Whakatāne community step up to healthier lifestyle

  • Date: 10 August 2017

150 participants from Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi and the Whakatāne community took up a healthier lifestyle challenge - Hikoi ki te Hauora – and won.

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Protecting Pēpī Nationwide

  • Date: 10 August 2017

Te Puni Kōkiri funded the first ever roll out of life-saving wahakura ten years ago and now every district health board in the country is set to offer them to whānau.

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Report shows positive results for Whānau Ora

  • Date: 10 August 2017

The latest report from Te Puni Kōkiri shows Whānau Ora has achieved positive outcomes for whānau and families across Aotearoa. Over 11,500 whānau and families were engaged through Commissioning Agencies’ initiatives as at 30 June 2016.

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Digital Tool Shows Schools How to Pōwhiri Properly

  • Date: 10 August 2017

From Pūkana to Hongi, a new online resource is set to support more English-medium schools to get involved in Kapa Haka and Pōwhiri.

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Kokohinau Marae papakāinga to house Edgecumbe whānau affected by floods

  • Date: 10 August 2017

Kokohinau Marae has kick-started its papakāinga housing development with a ‘turning of the sod’ ceremony in Edgecumbe. The papakāinga development will be used to help house whānau who lost their homes in the Edgecumbe floods in April.

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Cultural Revitalisation: One Pasifika Perspective

  • Published: 09 August 2017

Anne Moefa’auo is an educator, having taught migrants, refugees, Pasifika and Maori students for more than 20 years.

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Māori Land Service case studies underway

  • Date: 03 August 2017

The Māori Land Service Programme has begun working with Māori land owners on regional case studies that will help inform the advisory and development services that may be offered in the future by the Māori Land Service (MLS).

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New initiative helps whānau find successful housing independence

  • Date: 03 August 2017

A new home ownership initiative is proving a success amongst Rotorua whānau as they achieve housing independence or enter into the final stages of owning their own homes.

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Social Enterprise Summit Creates a Buzz

  • Date: 03 August 2017

More than 120 people attended the first Social Enterprise Summit held at Parliament in early July.

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Introducing our Interns: Varshini Suresh

  • Date: 03 August 2017

Varshini was a part of our 2015/2016 intern programme, joining Te Puni Kōkiri as part of the Economic Wealth team.  She now works for Deloitte as a tax consultant.

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Introducing our Interns: Lucy Pia

  • Date: 03 August 2017

Lucy has spent two summers as an intern for Te Puni Kōkiri.  Her first internship was in the Te Tai Tokerau office for the 2015/2016 intern programme.  The following summer, Lucy joined the Policy Partnerships Team in our National Office in Wellington.

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Te Puni Kōkiri 2016-2017 Interns Get Inducted

  • Date: 03 August 2017

Eleven interns and one summer placement have spent the last week in Wellington participating in induction, meeting their new teams, and attending the Machinery of Governance course in preparation for their three month internship at Te Puni Kōkiri.

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A matter of personal and national identity – a note on revitalising Māori culture

  • Published: 01 August 2017

Colin James is a political journalist of more than 40 years experience and political columnist of the year in 2003. He is a senior associate of the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University of Wellington and makes presentations on the strategic political, policy and political-economy environment to companies, industry associations, government departments and other groups.

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Pūmau Tonu te Mauri, Living as Māori, now and in the future

  • Published: 25 July 2017

Sir Mason Durie KNZM FRSNZ FRANZCP (Rangitāne, Ngāti Kauwhata, Ngāti Raukawa) is one of New Zealand’s most respected academics, and was knighted in 2010 for services to public and Māori health.

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Marae housing helps Edgecumbe whānau affected by floods

  • Date: 19 July 2017

Kokohinau Marae have kick-started their papakāinga housing development with a ‘turning of the sod’ ceremony in Edgecumbe. The papakāinga development will be used to help house whānau who lost their homes in the Edgecumbe floods in April.

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He Tautoko i ngā Pakihi Māori | Support for Māori Business

  • Published: 13 July 2017

Whether you have a business idea or are well established in the international markets, there is a range of help available to you through government agencies and non-governmental organisations. This guide has been developed by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment to help you understand what information, assistance and support is available and where you can go to access it.

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Whānau Ora Annual Summary Report: 1 July 2015 – 30 June 2016

  • Published: 10 July 2017

This report describes the way Whānau Ora (the initiative) was delivered in 2015/16 and the results achieved. As 2015/16 was the second year of commissioning, results at a whānau level can be identified and the wider activities of Commissioning Agencies can be considered.

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Haka on Great Wall of China

  • Date: 04 July 2017

Feeling the mauri on one of the Seven Wonders of the World, 13 year-old Tawhiao Kaitapu rallied his peers into formation before proudly leading the haka ‘Ka Mate.'

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Pearls of Wisdom for Rangatahi at Matariki

  • Date: 04 July 2017

Nearly 200 rangatahi in Tāmaki Makaurau took the morning off school in late June to take part in Matariki 20x20 at the Corban Estate Arts Centre in Henderson.

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Māori Land Owners Co-Design Māori Land Service

  • Date: 04 July 2017

Te Puni Kōkiri has released a summary of the findings from the second series of wānanga held with Māori land owners earlier this year. The purpose of the wānanga was to ensure Māori land owners co-design the Māori Land Service and that it is fit-for-purpose. 

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Brymer goes from Marae to Man-Power

  • Date: 04 July 2017

After 10 years making their mark as professionals in the marae construction business, Brymer Group Ltd is rolling up its sleeves to help more Waikato whānau through the Māori Housing Network.

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59 Sign Up at For Future’s Sake Vote Launch

  • Date: 04 July 2017

Helping Māori aged 18-29 understand the value of their vote is a key driver of a new programme to get more whānau enrolled and ready to go to the polls at the next General Election.

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Young Dad With No Farming Background Wins Ahuwhenua

  • Date: 04 July 2017

Swapping his Swanndri for a suit for the very first time, Hawke’s Bay shepherd Jordan Biddle took a deep breath before crossing the stage in front of 700 people to claim the title of Ahuwhenua Young Māori Farmer for 2017.

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Ngāti Rangi Finds Work for 220 in Ruapehu

  • Date: 04 July 2017

About 400 people gathered at the War Memorial Hall in Whanganui in July for the inaugural Te Manu Atatū Māori Business Awards.

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