Statement of Intent 2007-2010

3. How We Do It

Maintaining an Overview of Government Policy

One of the most challenging roles for Te Puni Kōkiri lies in maintaining an overview of all government policy initiatives and their likely impact on Māori well-being. The ability of Te Puni Kōkiri to carry out its role of advising the Government rests on its capacity to inform, and be informed by, and relevant to, its Māori stakeholders. This means Te Puni Kōkiri through its regional offices works with Māori and the wider community to identify priority areas, and to communicate these effectively to other Ministers and government agencies. These priority areas will target opportunities for better use of Māori-owned assets and address known barriers to Māori succeeding as Māori.

Te Puni Kōkiri also plays a role in ensuring the policy advice provided by other Ministries addresses Māori issues, and attempts to influence other government agencies regionally and nationally to improve outcomes for whānau, hapü, iwi and Māori. Te Puni Kōkiri has prepared the Māori Potential Framework which is an outcomes-based tool for identifying where and how to support the realisation of Māori potential. It provides a frame of reference that helps expose priorities for intervention, and measure, track and report the sustainable development of Māori over time.

Policy Influence

Te Puni Kōkiri has been investigating ways of enabling Māori to have greater involvement in the development of policy that affects them. From Te Puni Kōkiri’s perspective, the unique interactive flow between Head Office and the regional offices ensure government policy reflects the concerns of Māori at all levels. Te Puni Kōkiri optimises the use of this intelligence throughout the state sector.

Relationships and Information

The Relationships and Information wāhanga provide Te Puni Kōkiri with a direct link to whānau, hapū, iwi and Māori communities through its 10 regional and 8 satellite offices. This link enables Māori Policy to:

  • inform its provision of policy advice with the unique references of whānau, hapü, iwi and Māori;
  • be informed about local Māori priorities and plans;
  • connect with the stakeholder relationships already existing in the regions; and
  • support the role of Te Puni Kōkiri regional staff in facilitating, brokering and coordinating ‘whole of government’ responses when appropriate.

Outcomes Monitoring and Agency Liaising

Part of our role, enabled through the Ministry of Māori Development Act, is to monitor and liaise with each government department and agency that provides services to or for Māori. At various times over the last decade, we fulfilled our monitoring responsibilities through effectiveness audits, agency reviews, and programme evaluations. We also invested in information and publishing programmes that collated, synthesised, and reported on Māori statistics and research.

Since 2003 there has been a shift in the way that we fulfil our obligations under the Act, partly determined by other government agencies becoming more adept at the design, delivery and evaluation of interventions to raise Māori achievement, and in the collection, analysis and reporting of relevant data. Overall, we have developed constructive relationships with state sector agencies to influence associated outcome targets.

We are now developing a new programme of outcomes monitoring and agency liaison that will build on previous work. This programme will be phased in over time according to prioritised outcome areas that reflect the high-level outcomes in this Statement of Intent and include analysis of regional office trend reporting. An outcomes monitoring and agency liaison approach, rather than an agency review focus, maintains Te Puni Kōkiri’s current position of being a ‘critical friend’ rather than taking on a pure monitoring role. Figure 1 summarises the new outcomes monitoring and agency liaison approach.

Programme stages for outcomes monitoring and agency liaison

Measuring Effectiveness

In simple terms, performance measurement is a system of measuring and analysing performance against stated results. In the long term, the effectiveness of any organisation is represented by its ability to survive. In the short term, however, many criteria are a guide. There is no absolute measure of effectiveness. In Te Puni Kōkiri we have been asking ourselves “What do we want to measure – our effectiveness in doing what?”

In obtaining the answers to these questions, the analysis must look beyond the actual outcome and understand what contributed to it in terms of the policies, decisions, processes and changes within the wider environment.

It is our firm belief that the effectiveness of Te Puni Kōkiri ultimately, can be thought of as the degree to which we meet public expectations, or by how well we serve the Minister of Māori Affairs and the needs of our other stakeholders including Māori. All our managers influence our effectiveness, not only through working toward outcomes set by the organisation, but also by themselves setting and appraising work in light of changing public attitudes, social needs, technology, and economic conditions.

In Te Puni Kōkiri we continually monitor performance to ensure that we know what we are achieving and that the results are in accordance with the intentions. For example, one simple approach is to gather regular regional reports on “what’s working – what’s not”. In addition performance Indicators have been developed to facilitate the measurement of effectiveness and efficiency of what we do. These indicators and their associated standards are essential in the measurement process to indicate the quality and quantity of our performance. It is our intention to link outcome measurement (levels of achievement) with criteria set in the Output plan and/or budget to provide management with the basis for effectiveness and efficiency indicators – to show how well the plan is being met and how well our resources are being used in the process.

With regards to establishing the cost-effectiveness of Te Puni Kōkiri interventions, as required under section 40(d) (ii) of the Public Finance Act 1989, we are still working on ways to develop suitable measures. Although our core work of providing policy does not lend itself to direct cost-effectiveness analysis (cost per unit of benefit obtained), we are looking to link interventions that Te Puni Kōkiri deliver to desired outcomes. The ongoing work on outcomes mapping, improving proposed indicators and building an evaluation infrastructure will enable us to establish a suitable set of cost-effective measures to include in the next Statement of Intent.

Organisational Health

To maximise Te Puni Kōkiri’s contribution to the Government’s desired priorities, it is essential that we continually focus on enhancing our own capability. At the end of 2006, a sustainability review was completed to establish whether Te Puni Kōkiri had the optimum cost structure to efficiently and effectively carry out the tasks asked of us by Government.

The major finding from this review was the endorsement provided for our strategic direction change in February 2004. The re-affirmation of work we have already commenced and the implementation of new effectiveness and efficiency initiatives will place us in a strong position to deliver/contribute to the desired outcomes sought by our stakeholders.

To succeed, our organisation needs strong leadership, a clear sense of direction, and a constant form of communicating the outcomes that are to be achieved. We continually strive for a healthy, vibrant and capable organisation with all the appropriate resources to meet the strategic outcome, fulfil our role and move resolutely towards the purpose of realising Māori potential. Ultimately this will ensure our success.

With this in mind, Te Puni Kōkiri has reviewed its previous internal objectives and activities, to focus on improvement in critical areas as follows:

  • Engage effectively to promote and communicate the outcomes for which Te Puni Kōkiri is responsible;
  • Capitalise on strong external relationships that enable us to provide quality advice and deliver on our responsibilities in the most effective way;
  • Encourage/develop senior managers aspiring in leadership positions;
  • Maintain the systems, structures, and processes, including a dynamic investment strategy and policy statement in one central document that enable us to be a performance-based organisation focused on, “best practice”; and
  • Employ excellent people who have top quality intellect, commitment, balance individual and team work skills and work with a passion for Māori succeeding as Māori.

Information Management

Having recently completed the information management strategy that supports the work done previously with Knowledge Management, Te Puni Kōkiri has a framework for how information can be captured and shared across the organisation. This includes how information obtained at a regional level can inform policy development, evaluation and research.

People Capability

We focus on developing our people at all levels in our organisation which we fundamentally believe improves stakeholder outcomes and ultimately ensures our success. These two core elements underpin our People Capability Strategy to 2010 – building our people capability, and maintaining a high performing organisation. We are committed to making Te Puni Kōkiri a place where people aspire to work, are able to develop, and can then make a difference.

Performance and Development

Permanent employees have an individual Performance and Development plan which is maintained regularly through conversations with their line manager. This is a formal, structured process co-ordinated centrally to ensure ongoing progression for the individual’s development and that performance is measured consistently against agreed competencies across the organisation. we have an achievement culture which is emphasised at all levels – our high achievers are rewarded through remuneration based on performance.

Graduate Leadership Development Programme

The programme gives graduates a broad introduction to Te Puni Kōkiri and to experience first-hand, the operation of a state sector organisation. In particular they have the opportunity to work alongside people who actively encourage Māori realising their potential. They gain experience through role rotations, support through mentors and training programmes.

Work/Life Balance

The workplace is whānau friendly and we actively encourage whānau involvement in the broader non-work activities that contribute to our corporate culture and environment. we strongly encourage our people to find the work/life balance they desire and are focused on creating an environment supportive of the choices our people make outside of work. Examples include a time-in-lieu policy, commitments to good health, reduced hours/days per week, tangihanga leave, and working remotely.


Firm principles around recruitment and the movement of our people are strongly embedded in Te Puni Kōkiri. All vacancies are advertised internally and then opened to external applications. Around 59% of vacancies were filled by internal candidates last year.


The annual staff turnover rate is monitored quarterly and has steadily reduced to 10.75% currently from the estimated baseline figure of 20% twelve months ago.

Government Pay and Employment Equity

In response to the Government’s five-year Pay and Employment Equity Plan of Action, Te Puni Kōkiri will complete a Pay and Employment Equity Review by 30 September 2007 and develop an associated response plan in the second half of 2007/08. The review will ascertain: if women and men have an equitable share of the rewards; that they participate in all areas of Te Puni Kōkiri; and that all are treated with respect and fairness.


It is Te Puni Kōkiri’s intention to be a more effective communicator and we aim to proactively promote the activities and achievements of Te Puni Kōkiri. The publication Toronga ā-motu – Pānga ā-rohe in March 2007 was successful in telling the stories where Te Puni Kōkiri has contributed to Māori development. Further publications are planned as the internal communications activity within Te Puni Kōkiri is strengthened to deliver the most relevant, timely, and factual information to staff and stakeholders alike.

Building and Evaluation Infrastructure

The key steps in building a strong infrastructure to support the evaluation strategy will be to:

  • Increase evaluation capacity – to manage and co-ordinate the evaluation programme, provide evaluation advice and commission and implement high quality evaluative activity;
  • Increase evaluation capability – to ensure that people involved in direction setting, planning, implementation and delivery know when and how to promote evaluative activity, how to commission and manage it and how to use results; and
  • Develop systems and processes – to ensure that evaluation requirements and tools are built into all aspects of the management cycle and that the results of evaluation activity are communicated in a way that informs decision making.

Developing Systems and Processes

Over the coming next year, we will review our systems and processes to ensure that evaluation requirements and tools are built into all aspects of the management cycle. In particular, the systems and processes used to manage, measure and report on investments will be reviewed to ensure that they:

  • enable evidence about success and learnings from investments to be captured; and
  • allow results to be analysed and aggregated in a way that they can be fed back to inform the direction setting and planning processes.

Systems and processes will be developed in a way that provides incentives to encourage evaluation and support to execute it well.

As a member of the GOVT3 Programme, Te Puni Kōkiri is committed to work towards the three pillars of sustainability: environmental social and economic.

Initiatives in place include:

  • decreasing the amount of waste sent to landfill by promoting actions to reduce, reuse, recycle and composting;
  • improving vehicle fleet management to reduce fuel use and CO2 emissions; and
  • taking sustainable business practices into account when contracting for services.

Evaluation of the Māori Potential Fund

The purpose of the overall evaluation of the Māori Potential Fund will be to demonstrate the contribution of the fund to Te Puni Kōkiri’s high level outcomes. To be confident that the Māori Potential Fund is operating effectively, we will ensure that:

  • investments made through the fund are aligned to real needs;
  • investments are well designed and likely to improve outcomes;
  • the quantity, quality and coverage of investments align with our intervention logic;
  • near-term results and outcomes are improving in the areas anticipated; and
  • change has resulted from the investments3.

The overall evaluation of the Māori Potential Fund will be completed by June 2009.

Relationship Management

Te Puni Kōkiri places extreme importance on high quality relationships and information that is necessary to provide the criteria and the strategic business context within which relationships are developed and maintained. An ongoing and now improved Relationship Management Strategy has seen a strengthening of relationships built with key stakeholders, in particular Māori.

The Te Puni Kōkiri network of regional offices and collaboration in their work at the local level is the prime focus of the Relationship Management Strategy. In particular it involves:

  • Activating, developing, communicating and realising Māori Potential through key stakeholder relationships;
  • Building stronger relationships with whānau; hapü; iwi; Māori organisations; and communities, to enable them to develop sustainable opportunities for themselves;
  • Strengthening partnerships between Māori and other key stakeholders;
  • Gathering information from the regions to inform Māori development activities and investment in Māori people;
  • Using information gathered to inform policy development;
  • Facilitating timely involvement for the Government with Māori and increasing that connection; and
  • Developing business and operational plans consistent with Māori aspirations and government priorities.

3 State Services Commission et al (2003) Learning from Evaluative Activity – Enhancing Performance through Outcome-focussed Management, prepared by the Steering Group for the Managing for Outcomes Roll-out 2004/05, November 2003 p7

Development Goals for the State Services

Te Puni Kōkiri is contributing to the goals set by the State Services Commission as shown below:

Goal 1: Employer of Choice

Ensure the State Services is an employer of choice attractive to high achievers with a commitment to service.


The Māori Potential Framework provides a consistent, transparent, and coordinated and approach for Te Puni Kōkiri in conducting its business through policy and operational implementation of the Māori Affairs portfolio.

Employees and key stakeholders understand the framework, and how and why the work they do contributes to our major outcome.

The strategic objective to make Te Puni Kōkiri a desirable career destination for talented graduates, experienced professionals and public servants continues to be refined and developed.

Goal 2: Excellent State Services

Develop a strong culture of constant learning in the pursuit of excellence.


A healthy and capable organisation will ensure that Te Puni Kōkiri has the staff and resource ability to meet its strategic outcome, fulfill its role and move towards its purpose of realising Māori potential.

Our People Capability Strategy to 2010 is aimed at "attracting, developing and retaining a sustainable supply of highly skilled people..."

Goal 3: Networked State Services

Use technology to transform the provision of services for New Zealanders


Creating an environment where staff create and share knowledge in a transparent way requires everyone in Te Puni Kōkiri to make the management and sharing of knowledge part of their everyday activities.


Knowledge Management

Implementation of Knowledge Management in Te Puni Kōkiri is critical to successfully leading Māori public policy, and managing relationships and information.

Government Shared Network, Public Sector Intranet

Te Puni Kōkiri was one of the first organisations that have signed up to the Government Shared Network.

Te Puni Kōkiri is a member of the Public Sector Intranet and intends to promote the resource more widely to staff.

Goal 4: Coordinated State Agencies

Ensure the total contribution of government agencies is greater than the sum of their parts.


Te Puni Kōkiri's approach of moving forward together recognises the need to work in collaboration with external stakeholders including state sector agencies, whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori organisations and communities.

We work with other agencies and institutions to assist them to broaden their data collection and research programmes so that collectively we are able to utilise the widest range of evidence on Māori success.


Strong regional presence

The prime focus of Te PUni Kōkiri's Relationship Management Strategy is to strengthen the network of Regional Offices and support their work at the local level, including providing a platform for local inter-agency collaboration.

Regional Offices actively contribute to a wide range of projects involving state services and local government agencies. These include the Taupo Salix Project, Regional Intersectoral Fora, Manukau Youth Project, Smart-Growth in the Western Bay of Plenty, and various tourism initiatives.

Māori Language Strategy

Te Puni Kōkiri is responsible for coordinating, monitoring and supporting the agencies involved in the Māori Language Strategy, including MCH, National Library, TTW, TMP, MEd.

Digital Strategy

Te Puni Kōkiri participates in cross-government advisory group meetings including the Digital Content Group.

Goal 5: Accessible State Services

Enhance access, responsiveness and effectiveness, and improve New Zealanders' experience of State services.


Te Puni Kōkiri acknowledges the importance of high quality relationships and information to implement its Strategic and Intermediate Outcomes. An improved Relationship Management Strategy will deepen relationships built with key stakeholders, in particular Māori.


Our mobile regional staff play a key role in linking rural Māori communities and organisations with other agencies and services.

Te Puni Kōkiri's new website will improve both accessibility and usability for our visitors by: complying with the New Zealand Web Guidelines; using best practice in design and development of the 'look and feel', information architecture, functionality and coding; providing targeted, well-written content, and improving processes for updating content and responding to user feedback.

Kōkiri is Te Puni Kōkiri's main external publication and its primary purpose is to provide key messages which including celebrating Māori achievement; realising Māori potential; and Māori succeeding as Māori. Kōkiri is also a vehicle for other Government departments to inform Māori of their key messages. The target audience includes Māori.

Goal 6: Trusted State Services

Strengthen trust in the State Services, and reinforce the spirit of the service.


Te Puni Kōkiri has a principle leadership function of advising on relationships between the Crown, iwi, hapū, whānau, and Māori. Staff work at the interface between Māori communities and the Government, demonstrating its credibility as the lead policy advisor on these matters.

Te Puni Kōkiri has a statutory responsibility to ensure that Te Taura Whiri, Te Māngai Pāho, and Māori Television Service comply with their respective Statements of Intent.

Te Puni Kōkiri Strategic Risks

Te Puni Kōkiri’s current objectives for its integrated risk management framework are:

  • To embed risk management practices as integral management functions into policy development, strategic and business planning, and project management functions to ensure that key risks are identified and managed throughout Te Puni Kōkiri; and
  • To ensure key internal governing bodies are being informed on a regular basis of the key risks identified, how they are being managed, and on the effectiveness and responsiveness of the risk management activities.

During 2006/07 Te Puni Kōkiri’s Audit and Risk Management Committee and its Internal Audit function operated as principal components of its Risk Management Framework.

The current key risks relevant to this Statement of Intent and associated risk management strategies are detailed in the table below.

Risks Management Strategy
Stakeholder relationships are not driven off outcomes, and messages and behaviours are inconsistent Continued development of relationship management strategies and skills
Continued development of communication tools
Not maintaining an overview of government policy initiatives pertaining to Māori Development of the Māori Potential Framework as a tool to be used by other agencies
Develop outcomes monitoring and agency liaison approach with other agencies
Develop relationship management strategies with iwi, hapü, and whānau aimed at representing their aspirations for government policy development
Investment strategies do not address areas of greatest potential Use of economic forecasting to inform future planning and decision making
Develop investment framework and model for rationalising resources in line with strategic priorities
Information gathering at a national and regional level to be enhanced and linked to strategic business context
Review investment framework to determine which investments offer the greatest returns
Te Puni Kōkiri does not know what it is achieving with its investments or its interventions Develop performance indicators for the measurement of effectiveness and efficiency relating to the achievement of outcomes
Develop cost effectiveness measures for its interventions
Outcome measures for Māori organisations will be monitored
One-off evaluations of selected investments will allow us to assess the impact of interventions and consider where improvements can be made.