Public sector capability

This information has been migrated from Te Arawhiti to Te Puni Kōkiri as part of the transfer of functions between the two agencies.  There may be some Te Arawhiti branding that remains in linked documents but we are in the process of updating this to Te Puni Kōkiri branding.

Last updated: Monday, 24 February 2025 | Rāhina, 24 Huitanguru, 2025

What's on this page?

The Māori Crown relations capability framework (MCR framework) was developed to provide a more coordinated approach to capability building across the public service.

The Whāinga Amorangi plans developed by agencies are based on the competency areas set out in the MCR framework.

The MCR framework is split into three parts: the two capability components and the survey.

Māori Crown relations framework guide

The MCR framework guide sets out the reasons for building capability and the MCR framework’s construction, as well as some advice on training and methods of learning.

Māori Crown relations framework guide [PDF, 326 KB]

Māori Crown relations capability components

The two MCR framework capability components are an individual and an organisational component. These components demonstrate how the framework is intended to be applied, the areas and levels of capability, and ideas for initiatives to increase capability.

Individual capability component

Details six focus areas and five specialist competencies to support public servants to develop their Māori Crown relations capability.

Individual capability component [PDF, 432 KB]

Organisational capability component

Details six organisational capability areas, such as governance, relationships with Māori and workforce capability.

Organisational capability component [PDF, 351 KB]

Māori Crown relations survey

A survey to accompany the MCR framework has been developed to measure staff confidence in Māori Crown relations skills within an organisation.

Agencies can identify areas of high confidence or low confidence within their organisation and this information can be used to build a capability plan.

This is a high-level survey and can be adapted to suit an agency’s requirements.

We would welcome agencies sharing their anonymised results with us.

Māori Crown relations survey [PDF, 297 KB]

Workshops for public servants

Building capability to meaningfully engage with Māori is an area of continuous development for the public sector. Te Puni Kōkiri is currently reviewing how the following workshops for public servants will be delivered:

  • Introduction to ‘Engagement with Māori’ Workshop
  • ‘Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Aotearoa History’ Workshop
  • ‘Engagement with Māori Planning 102’ Workshop